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I think it's kinda funny that everyone and their grandmother are already saying, "I'm going to have X ship" or "I'll steal X and do Y". I mean, sure, the FAQs are detailed enough, but we don't know for certain (at least most of us *pokes beta testers*) how things are really going to work. I see people saying, "I'jm going to buy a T-65", or "I'm gonna ge a Z-95". Sorry to dampen the occasion, but both these are military-grade ships. They won't just be sat on a dock somewhere waiting to be 'harvested', as it were. I seem to remember somewhere that a Z-95 (according to SW canon) costs 1.5M credits. No doubt some of the big PAs are going to have that sort of cast lying around, but smaller ones, and single players, are not. I'm also guessing that a Z-95 kinda pushes the limit on the class of ship you could easily acquire. TIEs, certainly, are military ships, and are used only by the Imperial Navy and planetary governments. At the end of the day, you'll probably be flying around in the cargo hauler for quite a while. Freighters are another aspect. Take the average YT-1300. A basic, unmodified one is described in several places as "something you wouldn't want to take on a TIE in". Now, considering the TIE's reputation for...erm...stability *whistle* I think a lot of people are going to be in for a shock when they try to buzz an ISD. Hell, I might be wrong about all this. I certainly hope so. But it stands to reason that, if the SWG team are attempting to make the game as realistic as possible, there are going to be a LOT of safeguards against individuals obtaining impressive ships.

As for me, just gimme a cruise liner...anything I can make money off =)

*Flame-guard enabled*

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Wings_SWmud, I've said this before I think. :)

ISD's are most definatly not going to be available to buy,

1) because the number of crewmen it needs,

2) cost,

3) and it's mlitary hardware produced exclusivly for the Empire.

The last part is the same for the Tie crafts.


The Z-95 Headhunter is another matter. These ships are available to anyone that want one.

X-wings can possible be available. If they are, most likely you must aquire one on the black market.



... that a Z-95 (according to SW canon) costs 1.5M credits.

Where is this SW canon, may I see it? :)

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Sure...gimme a couple hours to find it


Oh, and I never said anything about BUYING an ISD - just doing a flyby. On a more positive note...CR90s are "oficially" classed as freighters, not capital ships, so hopefully we'll be seeing a few of those screeching round =)


Well, can't find the Z-95 thingy, but I did find a couple things that might put people off buying one outright, but will probably help overall sales, due to the contributions to the economy that could possibly be made...


-No hyperdrive (I guess a big market for people with ship design skills then...)


-Slow (only 85MGLT)


-Ugly (Will this be a concern? Looking at the sort of people we have here *ducks) =)


-Armament is hardly impressive (Version-dependent though; I3 had armament roughly twice as superior as the RZ-1)


-Weak shields (Hull is famously sturdy, however)

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Oh, and I never said anything about BUYING an ISD - just doing a flyby.

Neither did I say you did, :) but I did misunderstand that part still. :D I was agreeing with you that ISDs are not going to be available to buy. That's all. It was mentioned earlier in another thread. :)

-No hyperdrive (I guess a big market for people with ship design skills then...)

From the factories they come without a hyperdrive, but one can be fitted if needs be. Still not disagreeing with ya, just adding. ;)


Q: What's an CR90 again? It sounds familiar. Thought for a moment that you meant a MC90 (Mon Cal Cruiser), but that can't be it.

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The Z-95s in the X-wing/Tie Fighter series of games had hyperdrives. I know its not exactly cannon, but its the best look at Z-95s we have.


Ah, here we go. From starwars.com

Z-95s are typically not equipped with hyperdrive engines, though famed Republic (and later Alliance) tactician Adar Tallon developed a variant -- the Z-95t -- which featured a class 3 hyperdrive, and increased maneuverability. Later Z-95s did feature an Incom Gbk-435 hyperdrive motivator, and a Narmox Zr-390 navicomputer system.
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Sorry, got a bit over-teched...CR90 is just the model of Corellian 'vette we all know and love =)


Anyway...the versions of the Z-95 that are for sale with hyperdrive probably wouldn't be able to be bought, I would think - enough planets still use them as front-line fighters that they would b ereserved for military...but this would, in a way, be a good thing...after all, if you can just go out and buy a top-of-the-line fighter, there's not so much use for ship crafting skills, aye?

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More importantly, it goes to show how dangerous rocks really are. I think the international community must act immediatly to remove this threat. I propose a limit to the number of rocks each country can have in its arsenal as well as an immediate and unilateral ban on all above ground rock testing. We can call it something like the Strategic Rock Limitation Treaty.


Maybe we should even look into the creation of a space based anti-rock system as well. ;)

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Maybe we should even look into the creation of a space based anti-rock system as well.


Actually that's not a bad idea. :) Why?


Think of it. Dozens of rocks are swooshing dangerously close to our planet all the time. It's just a matter of time until one of them hits. :eek:

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the kind of ship i really want is a drednaught... not really... i really want a ship like the Cloakshape Fighter (from the guide to vehicles and vessels), or a Corellian YV-666 like bossk has, or maybe a marauder corvette. Or even better, a star viper like Xizor, or a skipray blastboat. Or an Action VI like Talon Karrde. The possibilities are endless!:evil2::jango::clone: mwhahahahaha

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