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Jk2 Mp


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I noticed the grip range was not as short as I had feared so that is good at least. I really wish the maps were more open so you could better take advantage of jump and speed.


I think certain basic JK tactics would work ok (but perhaps not as well as in JK) with open 3d maps similiar to BGJ and Oasis.


The SP looks very good, and is prolly the reason I'll go ahead and get it. The MP though still looks very questionable to me. I already played quake 3 online.

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Okay, mini-rant:


Stop pining for outdated "JK tactics". This is not a graphics update for JK. Why on earth don't you people want to try something new? JK tactics were for JK. Let them rest in peace.


@WD: You also already played Jedi Knight online.

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Guys, i mean, we see a trailer thats cut together FAST.



IMHO no way to make assumptions about the ENTIRE spectrum of JK2 multiplayer.


We all know we will buy it :)


So i say, wait till you play it. Yeah thats what everyone says but its just true.

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Yeah, I'm going to miss JK tactics. That is, lag out as much as possible and fire a cannon with ridiculous amount of splash damage so I have a chance in h3!! of hitting the other player. Or sabers where I hit secondary fire while trying to get the opposing player to run into my lag ghost. That was fun. Yeah, I used a conc like everyone else - but when you think about it - it's kinda silly.


The best part of JK, and one which required actual tactics, was NF CTF Challenge at Nar Shadda. Unfortunately it required too much tactics for the typical JK player and was overlooked by the vast majority of players.


That said, I'm looking forward to JO CTF. I may try sabers, too. Maybe the insane amount of jumping around and swinging sticks will be reduced with the more advanced style of play - and the dedicated servers so the laggers are forced to stick to JK.

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Im just goin say one thing ............. SWEEEEEEET

and another few words of wisdom:

Anyone who wants to dis the game before it comes out, well, you are definly dumb, those of you who are worried, dont be because you will buy it and it will all be ok, whoever compares it to JK, dont, because this is a new game, YOU WANT IT TO BE NEW AND ORIGINAL, and me,IMO well im just cool

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