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No balance if gunners use force


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Were all happy yes that JK II is just 2 weeks (!!) away. However, I am unsure or not if I saw it in the trailer, but sabres will suck just as bad in mp as it did in JKI if gunners use the force. The force is what lets Jedi succesfully use such a short range weapon versus amored men with ray guns heat beams and the like is the force. If gunners can use the force, than that totally upsets the balance of power between sabre users and gunners in combined battles. I really hope that Raven didn't do this, but if they did sadly there is nothing we can do about this. What is your opinion?




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That doesn't make sense.


"The force is what lets Jedi succesfully use such a short range weapon versus amored men with ray guns heat beams and the like..."


So the Jedi use the Force to assist successful use of their saber against guns. Gotcha so far.


"If gunners can use the force, than that totally upsets the balance of power between sabre users and gunners in combined battles."


But gunners don't have/use the lightsaber. So how can they have the advantage, if the Jedi advantage is to use the Force to assist saber use?


"I really hope that Raven didn't do this, but if they did sadly there is nothing we can do about this"


"sadly"? I'd be sad if they did turn off the Force in a deathmatch if you picked up a gun. How incredibly LAME. How very NOT Star Wars. =/

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In MP in JK, if someone had a sabre, you could just shoot them with a alternate fire railgun shot or get them with the imperial repeater rifle as it had such a high rate of fire they couldn't block all the shots.


As long as you can defend youself against all weapons with the lightsabre i don't think it will matter whether non-sabre users could use the force or not.

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but sabres will suck just as bad in mp as it did in JKI if gunners use the force.


wrong. the reason the saber wasn't effective agaisnt gunners was the fact that it was so difficult to land a hit once you got close. with pixel pixel collision dection and the improved netcode, the saber is looking to become one of the most powerful weapons, if not THE most powerful weapon in the game. denying a gunner force would severly imbalance the game with the saber becoming unreasonably powerful.

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Btw, in JK1, it was quite possible to block ALL the shots from a repeater. The way to get past a saber user with that gun was to use a sustained SECONDARY FIRE (since it fires three shots at once, and at least one always gets through and hits them, even if they block the other two). The other simple way to get past the saber blocking was to aim for the crotch or back of the person (they would have to turn to compensate, assuming they couldn't pull your weapon away or attack you with the force to screw up your aim).

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I never saw it as unbalanced to go against an oppenant with guns and the force with just a sabre. A lot of the fun of using a sabre vs guns is trying to get close to the person, or sneaking up on them. Where's the challange if you can get up close with the sabre and kill them with a secondary swing (jk1) when they only have a gun that can't do that? I've played friends with guns and force powers and they've had the sabre and the whole idea is trying to keep the right amount of distance for shooting and not having them pull the gun or reflect the shots back at me. I don't know about you, I it's harder then it looks. Those little light swords are more then a match for any blaster.

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i think if you threw in a bunch of people who didn't have much skills in sabering, the people with rail guns or repeater would win for sure. i don't use much force when i play (just neutral and heal) but i still find i can take out most gun users... you just have to know how to go about it, imo.

if you charge someone with a repeater while swinging, you'll be dead in no time. if you let them shoot you and block the shoots, well they'll be dead in no time with no effort on your part. :cool:

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Originally posted by DeathBoLT


wrong. the reason the saber wasn't effective agaisnt gunners was the fact that it was so difficult to land a hit once you got close. with pixel pixel collision dection and the improved netcode, the saber is looking to become one of the most powerful weapons, if not THE most powerful weapon in the game. denying a gunner force would severly imbalance the game with the saber becoming unreasonably powerful.



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no they wont!, watch the first trialer on lucas arts.com ull see that u can block bow caster shots etc.. with ur saber, also vertain force powers give you the ability to dodge other weapons, u cant just sit back and let the game do everything for u :) u gotta move around a bit to live

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When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Translation: if you're in a server where nearly everyone is using guns, go pick up a damned gun and get in the game. Remember, JO is NOT an RPG, and they didn't include 10 guns/explosives for nothing.

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Personelly i;m going to try and use a variety of saber and gun combat, but it depends on the situation. I think Guns, sabers and force powers will work very well together, they should compliment each other allowing for some very acrobastic moves. e.g


Saber Battle > Force Jump > Switch to Rocket Launcher while in mid jump > blow up opponent :D

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I'm going to be a near fulltime Jedi


Yeah I'll use guns from time to time.


But I will try to be saber force guy 90% of the time, just so i can be good at it, like a true Jedi.


The kick of that will be incredible, you know, being so good with saber and force that you can just take on all the gunners. Like the jedi in their prime.



However, it remains to be seen if i can attain such a level of skill :D

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