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Music in Outcast


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We all know it will be Jonny Williams original music from the trilogy, but I am wondering which major themes will be used or from which movie most of the music is from.


For a game like this, I say Return of the Jedi and Empire Strikes Back.


Maybe someone from Raven can answer?

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They will use themes and cues from each movie of the original trilogy; I was dissapointed that they didn't include TPM, because it would have had DotF and cool new variations of older themes. It's hard to point out what Clint Bajakian will ultimately choose, but I'm sure reappearing themes like Force theme will be present whenever you use your Force powers, Emperor's theme might easily do justice for Dark Side Force users like reborns and Dark Jedis and Imperial March or who knows even original Imperial theme from ANH(can be heard briefly in the scene where stormies are searching for droids from desert, for example, or when Stormtrooper officer asks for identification from Luke at Mos Eisley) here and there whenever fighting againts stormtroopers and other imperial staff. Also, because we visit Bespin, we will definitely hear parts from ESB soundtrack and meet Lando(just listen pieces like City in the Clouds, Lando's palace & Betrayal at Bespin). Luke's theme/main theme of Star Wars and its numerous variations are of course another example, because we meet up with him at Jedi Academy and al though not from movies, I personally hope Clint would include Kyle Katarn's theme(which he composed originally) from Dark Forces as well, because of its total absent in JK/MotS. I can't think of anything else right now.

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Originally posted by Lnt. Kechtt

I just hope that it's not one of those games where the music changes when ever you're in a dangerous situation. I really don't like that. It gives stuff away. I'ld rather depend on my wits and instinces then on the music.


huh say what? That dynamic music system is what gives games in general the cinematic feel. If your sneaking around and your in a mission where u need to use stealth, wouldnt u rather have a nice ambient/suspense cue then a constand sw theme blasting? That wouldnt make sense.


Raven did this well in SoF and EF. Im sure it only gets better now that they included realtime crossfades. Meaning they can go from an slow/ambient cue to an action cue smooth without any 'pops' or audio stopping.

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Since we are talking about the music.


What is everyones FAVORITE Star Wars score (music from the movie)?


1. Star Wars: A New Hope

2. Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back

3. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

4. Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace


Mine is Empire Strikes Back. It doesn't have the most action material, however, is much more dynamic and sweeping.

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TPM. I have the ultimate edition, my favorite tracks on it are the duel of the fates special edition thing (where maul says fear is my ally, blah blah), Darth Sidious and Darth Maul on coruscant, Desert Battle qui-gon vs maul, the battledroid's invasion, heck i like them all. Otah Gunga is a pretty good 1 too.


my second favorite would be empire strikes back.

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Hard choice, so I take two: ESB and RotJ. :D That reminds me that there is this cool duel theme in RotJ just before Luke cuts off Vader's hand and it has been used only once(I think) in any SW game(MotS), so it could perhaps take DOTF's place, although it's not as energetic or even half as long(only about 35 sec), but it would definitely spice things up.

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Phantom is the worst out of all of them.

In my oppinion TPM beats ANH's soundtrack, although Lucas edited Williams' original score heavily for the movie, and Ultimate Edition soundtrack didn't include any alternative or unused material like original trilogy SE soundtracks. So, my order goes: ESB, RotJ, TPM & ANH. Still each one of them has great music, you can't deny it.

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Originally posted by Squalliss

You must be young or new to the music then, cause any old-school fan would pick one of the classic scores.


Phantom is the worst out of all of them.


oh, so i'm not allowed to be unique? DAMN! I'M UNIQUE GOD WHY DID U MAKE ME THIS WAY I HATE YOU!!!!!! :rolleyes:

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I must admit though, that I'm more of an Expanded Universe fan than a 'classic trilogy' fan. I own about all the classic sw games, I like most of the ones every1 hates, ie: force commander, jedi power battles, battle for naboo, rogue squadron.


I have a bunch of sw figures....mostly from tpm cuz walmarts sux and doesn't carry the eu or classic trilogy ones. :rolleyes:


I'm not a thick-skulled sw fan, i like everything that has star wars on it. and imo, TPM was a good movie, but that's just my opinion, i also thought they jedi knight cutscenes were awesome, most people said they were weak, pathetic. see my point of view yet? I'm more of a expanded universe/sw game fan than just a fan of the 3 originals.



btw i'm 18 and have liked sw since i was 5 or 6.

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Originally posted by Squalliss


Phantom is the worst out of all of them.


Not strictly true. While 'Augie's Municipal Band' probably has to rank as one of the worst bits of film scoring ever, DOTF more than compensates for it. I'd have to say that the latter is probably one of John Wiliiams' best compositions. Also, I found 'Anakin's Theme' to be strangely haunting and beautiful, particularly with the brief statement of the 'Imperial Theme' at the end of the track hinting at Anakin's dark future.


As for my favourite score, it used to be ROTJ until they introduced that embarrasing 'Jedi Rock' number to the Jabba's Palace section in the Special Edition. Now, I'd probably have to go with the majority and say ESB. Still, by far my favourite track from the whole saga is 'Luke & Leia's Theme' from ROTJ. The theme itself is beautiful, and is perfectly complemented by Herb Spencer's brilliant orchestrations.

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That piece where Luke loses his temper and attacks Vader is actually also used in Xwing Alliance when the empire siezes the Azzameen station.


The best soundtrack is ESB. It is the most emotional, introduces the imperial march and Yoda's theme, and makes excellent use of the entire orchestra.


IMO, I'm glad they didn't include TPM music in JK II. It has a signifigantly different tone and would pull you away from the feeling you should have when playing a game from that era. If I heard DotF when I was battling some dark jedi mini-boss, it would seem cheesy to me. I'd be drawn back to Darth Maul and Obi-Wan's duel, which just doesn't seem right to me.


I wouldn't mind seeing some version of Kyle's theme mixed in with the other music somewhere, though. I'm sure Clint has done a good job.

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As a videogame musician and future film composer, i have to say that the EP1 music was quite a disappointment when compared to the OT. DOTF is ok in my book but i found the choir piece at the end of RoTJ far more emotional, IMO.


I think Ep1 lacked in the theme department. There wasnt anything that really that would stuck in your head. The only cue i liked was Anakins theme where the last 3-4 notes you could hear the imperial march/vaders theme. Nice touch.


And yes the ESB score is the best. The sound of the LSO was really brilliant back then. They sound different today. Not bad but just not as good.


I hope that AoTC will have a better score then TPM. I just read that theres a single release in April. The love theme of AoTc called "Across the star". Huh i hope this wont be a real cheesy cue or actual song with vocals. (ala supermans "can u read my mind).

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