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Picking up ability? Or just a fancy throw?


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I just saw the newest trailer, and there was a scene that arose some thought in my mind. There appeared to be a scene where the person playing the game picked an enemy up using the force, and moved him around in the air. Not a force push or pull, but more of a force "control." It looked as if he just targeted the enemy, and threw him around in the air. (just reading that dismemeberment thread... that woudl be awesome to have in-game!) but anyway... does anyone notice this or know about it? I think it'd be great if you could select an enemy, grab him using the force, use your mouse to build momentum and throw him when you release the mouse button, that way you can control how far you throw them, how fast, and in what direction. Man, I need to become a game developer, I always have such interesting notions on this stuff.

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Grip indeed, and you are right about the mouse, that's been said before by people who have played it. You can use the mouse in just the way you explained to do just what you proposed. :) This can be especially helpful when you are facing 5 enemies, you pick one up and throw him at the other four. Boy I'm excited! :D

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Moses, that is awesome! I actually order this game only knowing that is was a buffed-up sequel to Dark Forces. I can't believe everything I'm learning about it... it sounds like a Star Wars game couldn't get any better!

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From the zone page on force powers





At the part about Grip:


Effect Chokes enemy players (except for Level 3, you can't move while applying this power)


Level 1 Enemy is immobile (but undamaged) for 5 seconds


Level 2 Same as Level 1, but with damage to enemy


Level 3 Same as Level 2, but you can move and also smash enemy into walls/objects for more damage, or use him as a shield



Note the level 3 part. Move and smash enemy into walls objects for more damage. (how about the using as shield too!)


(in a preview smashing into other people was also managed)

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