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Jk 2 Violence factor(s)


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Originally posted by General Theros

Why should there be blood? It doesn't make a whole lot of sense? Lightsabers and blasters don't leave bloody sucking chest wounds or anything. They both cauterize the wound as they make them. :) Honestly, we have a generation of morbib, violent video gamers. It does not need blood to be good, nor realistic.


General Theros





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Not only is there a good spray of blood when Maul is cut in two, there's also a bit o' blood when Obi-Wan cleaves Pondo Boba's arm in ANH in the Mos Eisley cantina.


Also, at Quakecon last year when I saw the JK2 presentation (multiple times) there was plenty of limb hacking. Though it seemed to be limited to arms.




edit: I guess I should've followed Kurgan's link since he already covered this. There was still plenty of limb slicing in the demo I saw.

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At some presentation, they were showing JO, and they saw Kyle chop off a leg and the stormie fell to the ground.



The guy from LEC or raven smiled and said "Pretend you didn't see that" or something to the likeness. They weren't sure at that stage whether to leave the leg choppy offy ness in, and i guess we wont know til someone here gets the game and tells us, or Mr Gummelt pays us another visit :)

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Hmm.....I agree that there should be a minute amount of blood as the wound is first struck. So small an amount, though, that removing it doesn't matter to me. Nor does it lessen the coolness factor of wielding the deadly and elegant weapon of the Jedi Knights. Limbs must fly, or the lightsaber would definitly loose it's "credibility. You know what i mean, it's the feeling of it actually being a lightsaber that complements the immersion in the game.


Take the old lightbat as an example. If the lightsaber didn't cut through things, it wouldn't feel like a lightsaber at all. So to quite an extent, a stormtrooper taking a blade in the elbow and not losing an arm is just downright not going to happen in the movies.


Raven can definitely do dismemberment, that's evident in Heretic II and Soldier of Fortune. They definitely have no problem with violence(see Soldier of Fortune.) If they can add it, I'm sure they will. And I'm guessing they can get away with it. Mr.Gummelt even replied in one thread about dismemberment that had listed examples of it in the movie. Not only did he not defend the lack of it, but he actually added a forgotten one(the fact that Luke slashes off Vader's head in his vision.) That leads me to believe that it will definitely feature in the game.


Pondo's arm does indeed bleed when it gets whacked off by Obi-Wan. We'll see some better and more up-to-date examples of dismemberment in Episode II as the rumored count has already reached two. I won't say who or if they are the arms of main characters or not, but definitely when you have that kind of jedi action, someone's gotta lose something.


In Episode I, I disagree that that mist is blood. It's glowing, and last I checked, blood didn't glow. My theory has always been that that's maul's lightsaber glowing there at the bottom of the screen. None of it even gets on his face or clothing, so it's definitely digitally added. Why would they add the blood digitally if that's what it is? It would be easier to just mist some up from below the camera. It's his lightsaber glow.

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Oh, and I loved to jump into the fan with Obi-Wan in TPM and watch him turn into a mass of assorted body parts. Now that was dismemberment.

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THERE WILL BE SPOILER DISCUSSION HERE! Move along if you're spoiler free...






Ok, Obi what are the rumored dismemberments you've heard of? So far, I've heard that Zam Wessell looses her hand and that Anakin looses the majority of his right arm. Is that what you've read? Also, I've read that Hayden Christensen had to wear a blue arm stocking during the filming of the wedding scene so ILM can remove his arm and replace it with something ugly and mechanical ala c3po in EP1.




And I believe that was a spray of blood coming from Maul. The way it moved upwards and dissapated leads me to believe that it was a mist. Also, if you ever saw the cut of TPM where Maul did not get cut in half, the spray of blood was also absent. If it was just his lightsaber, wouldn't it have been included in the "safe" version of TPM?



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Hey.. if dismembered Limbs have to fly.. isn't that violating the ABSL's morals? :)


If I cut a limb with a blade, its not going to fly off.. its going to hang a bit, and drop straight down. Heck when Obi-Wan chopped off the limb in the Cantina (EpIV) it didn't exactly land on someones plate across the room :)

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This is silly... why should limbs fly?


Did you see Luke's hand in ESB? It flew like a mofo! ; )




It's really pointless arguing that "Star Wars doesn't have blood, Lightsabers don't cause bleeding of any kind" because the movies themselves DISPROVE this theory.


Watch the scene where Maul get's sliced on the Phantom Menace DVD it's not "glowing" and it's not Maul's Lightsaber.


Why would his lightsaber cast a red mist into the air (which then dissipates) up from his torso area (the exact spot where he's getting cut)? That makes no sense.. it's obviously digitally added, but it's obviously BLOOD that we're seeing.


Watch the scene again, and watch it in slow motion. It's not glowing, notice how his face isn't "lit up" up it, you just see the red spray in front. Sure it isn't enough to "drip down" but it's what I said it was.


And take a look at that arm in the cantina again, that's definately blood oozed out. Doesn't look like the wound was very well sealed to me...


Hopefully we'll see some of this in JK2:



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(ps: the above screenshot in my other post is of course from "Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace" and that's Obi-Wan getting chopped up by the fan).


Okay, I looked at the hand scene again, and at least in the ESB SE, Luke's hand doesn't fly that far... interestingly his wrist SPARKS a bit before his hand detaches... and then his hand is still holding the saber as it flies away into the shaft! No blood that I could see in this case though...



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Originally posted by Thrawn

It's a kill switch. Unless a saber is "locked" in the on position, it will automatically turn off when there is no pressure on its activation button.


Does that mean if your thumb is not on the red button, the saber will turn off?

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