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Observation of the JK2 zone rooms


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Deathbolt, writing completely new netcode from scratch and managing to support client-server and peep-peer in the same game is way to much work when you already have netcode that is the standard for online gaming at your fingertips.


True it is alot of work, but if the Zone is waving enough money in front of lucasart's faces...


Although most people probably wouldn't trade dedicated server netcode for peer-to-peer, the Zone may still hope to be a major place for JK2 players to meet at.

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This is the reason I prefer the client-'dedicated' server model to peer-to-peer. The server does not waste CPU bandwidth on graphics/sound rendering/game control input. It is 'dedicated' to implementing the rules of the game.


Of course I wouldn't expect a listen (non-dedicated) server to fare well in hosting 16 players if it were chugging along, trying to render 3d graphics, sound, player input etc.


Of course the Zone has nothing to do with this though. The Zone does in fact support dedicated server listings (I don't recall how many dozens of times I've said this). Zone has supported dedicated server listings since Allegiance was published a few years ago. I don't know whether Outcast Zone supports dedicated server listings though. Wish Raven would tell us.


Yes, the number of hops between computers is dynamic and unpredicatable. This affects both peer to peer and client-server game models.

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I am a sysop on the Zone and i personally cannot wait to play this game, i am a little concerned over the zone latency issues and i don't use the site as much as i used to , i prefer the in-game servers that many have raved about and rightly so, all i can say is role on march 29th! :D

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