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Jedi Knight II: Box


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Originally posted by Squalliss

I am very much a hardcore PC gamer, however, I do enjoy the games I have for XBOX.


Whoever said they like GC over XBOX - are you, what 6 years old? Nintendo markets for children, hence look at the majority of their games.


Sure they will throw out a few mature games every once and a while, but overall - kid games. And GC has just as many ports on their system as XBOX does.


XBOX has more games than GC. And they are more mature and fun.


Even though i have moved on from consoles, i do believe this is just another XBOX fanboy expression...


DO NOT, and i cannot inforce that enough -- diss Nintendo, they were the ones who started it all, while at this point they do not please me...i do respect Nintendo in all its glory. So what if a 15 year old (like myself) happens to like a plumber in red overalls...That takes more of a man that anyone to admit that they love the classics and dont need some PS2/XBOX to introduce blood to a game to make it "Mature".


...Look at Super Smash Bros. Melee, it has cute characters in an all-out-fight, and this game has no blood what so ever, and is also one of what you would quote "a kiddy nintendo game" yet...this game earns a T rating...A game does not have to have blood to be mature...


You seem to not understand what other factors incorperate "Mature" a mature game also sports using your bran to get through things...they cant rate a game that has you solving how to open a door with high walls and nothing around you, and it be a family game because a 6 yr old cant get far unless he is some snobby genius.


Which, in conclusion i chose to use the PC which seems to have me coming back all the time. Its games reach so far in genre.


:saberb: BlueJedi

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Consoles are promising, however, the PC dominates the market, at the moment.


Until these consoles get a strong enough online play, they will still be a step behind.


I am a game developer, and I believe most developers feel the same way.


What do I think looks more promising out of the three? Well, in terms of the new kid on the block - it would have to be XBOX.


PS2, however, has been out longer and has more games. XBOX will catch up, no doubt.

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The Nintendo Gamecube is a great system. I feel sorry for all the people who think that a game is not "mature" if it doesn't have blood or gore. when i hear this what immediatly comes to mind is well your immature because you fancy the death of people in real terms. Like heads being blown off, blood dripping everywhere. Also, i have always known Nintendo to go for Quality over anything else and that is hard to find these days when it comes to video games. Yes, i do love using the PC. But what i believe the main purpose of consoles is a way to have you and a bunch of your friends together in the same room to play. And yes, i like PS2 but one system i'll never like is the XBOX. Why????? Because its just a damn computer without a keyboard, mouse, or monitor included. If i wanted to play PC games i'll just go right here on my computer and play games. :D

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PC = the lord and master


GC = Nintendo is always worthy of respect, I have one... I know that it will come into it's own.


PS2 = alright... i guess.


X-Box = pure evil, goes around trying to snatch up PC games ruining both the console and PC market... **** the X-Box.


I wouldn't be very upset if consoles just ceased to exist, PC is where it's at.

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Originally posted by Pipe Smoke

X-Box = pure evil, goes around trying to snatch up PC games ruining both the console and PC market... **** the X-Box.




HALO would've been much more enjoyable on the PC if Microsoft hadn't bought out Bungie Entertainment.



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Originally posted by Jedimaster74

Who really gives a Flying **** about what the box is going to look like as long as their is a game in their I can Play!!!!


JediMaster...I was merely creating a thread on the box because i, and everyone else here know very much about the game...and that one question rested there for a while.


Calm down, it was a lasting question, but of course its the game that matters.

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Yea, I mean X-Box is a comp wannabe. I buy a gaming system so i can sit on my couch with some friends and play a game. I go on a comp beacause 1. Graphics are better. 2. Games are better. So if your some X-Box fan boy jus go sell your computer and BE GONE!



On Subject: Im glad they got a smaller box, SAVE THE RAINFOREST!!!! and it wouldnt fit in my mail box :D

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Arggg.. if this has to turn into a console debate, we can send it to the Swamp.. what do you guys think?



I think if we keep going back and forth with this console vs PC Non Sense than it should go deep within the swap especially Xbox since it already has the color of a swap hehe.

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To be honest, from what ive seen and played from HALO, it kinda sucks.


Maybe its becuase my mind is so pre-ocupied with the classic SW feeling (JO JO JO JO JO JO JO JO) but if thats not it, i just think the game isn't all that, Now don't go flame on me, becuase we all (well most of us) live in country's where you have the freedom of speech thingy.



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Originally posted by TUS_Tomcat

Quoting yourself and then saying nothing...


tsk tsk, trying to get your post count up?


If I wanted to get my post up, I'd post something like this every five minutes:


"any news???? is there going to be a demo this weekend? why isn't raven doing an indiana jones game?????!!!11





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One last word before its sent to the swamp...


PC Fans, we will recieve HALO, trust me. Everyone knows it. It will make it.


Oh and one thing that will place the big emphasis on PC is the fact that emulators for all 3 systems can be found at the click of a mouse.

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Being gamers, I assume we all agree that it's the game that counts, not the console. When taking that into consideration, I'd suggest that you all read carefully this very interesting article written by a Gamespot editor: http://gamespot.com/gamespot/features/all/gamespotting/031502/p10_01.html


Matter closed.


Now on to the REAL subject: JK2 box. Personally, I'd prefer it if Activision adopted the new standard once and for all. The new size is very sleek - and for a 1st person shooter (slasher, depending on your playstyle :) ), there's no need for huge reference cards ala Starfleet Academy/Xwing Alliance/Red Alert 2.


Just my 2 cents ;)

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