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Will you see your flips, etc., in 1st person mode?


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Im sorry if this thread was brought up before, but never know it, it might of never, but yes back to my thread, ummm when you are in first person mode and you do all your flips and wall running and rolls, and so on, will you be able to see yourself twirl while your in first person mode or will it be straight and not exciting?

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Originally posted by Endo'Cun

Im sorry if this thread was brought up before, but never know it, it might of never, but yes back to my thread, ummm when you are in first person mode and you do all your flips and wall running and rolls, and so on, will you be able to see yourself twirl while your in first person mode or will it be straight and not exciting?


Why would you want to play in First Person Mode? :)

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Originally posted by Darth Yittreas

Most flips and moves won't be necessary while using laser weapons. And you would be kinda stupid if you used lightsaber while in 1st person.


in guns only games you'd need flips and moves to dodge blaster bolts and such

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When I was in MP JK I would play mosy of the time in 1st person. If I would come up against a moderatley good Duelist I'd switch to 3rd. However, when up against a 'Master' swordsman I'd switch back to 1st.


Why? Hard to say.


As corny as it sounds, I was alawys more 'in tune' with the lightsaber that way. I always play FPS with headphones on, for example. 3rd person view in MP tended to be too distracting, an more so now with the '500 animations'.

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I doubt you will see the viewpoint tumble as you do a flip, or anything like that, although it might be more realistic, no matter how disorienting. ;)


As for just using 3rd person for sabers, and 1st person for guns...well, I enjoyed playing JK in a variety of ways...from all 1st person (including sabers) to all 3rd person (including guns), to a mix of both. Although there are more moves/attacks with the saber this time around, and it would be cooler to see them in 3rd person...I will try playing the game with a mix of both, then all in 1st person, then all in 3rd person, just to see what it's like.


That was the thing I liked about JK...that you could play in whichever perspective took your fancy at the time...and I hope to continue that in JKII. :)

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It'll probably be like Q3. You'd be doing flips and stuff in the air as animations but the view will probably be normal.


The only real game that I can think of that gives full animation of flips and stuff in the POV is the H-L mod The Opera, and that sucked...

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People, don't just dismiss the 1st POV right away. Getting the feel of saber fighting, actually how it's soppose to be is all about this kind if POV. You'll think in the movies Obi-Wan and the others see little minitures of themselves, HECK NO!!!!. I for one will be trying out the 1st POV.

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I got to the point in JK where I was always using the third person mode, I just found it easier to avoid shots and such... could always position yourself around corners and stuff to see how many enemies there lay ahead of you, while still being safely concealed...

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Originally posted by nykel007

People, don't just dismiss the 1st POV right away. Getting the feel of saber fighting, actually how it's soppose to be is all about this kind if POV. You'll think in the movies Obi-Wan and the others see little minitures of themselves, HECK NO!!!!. I for one will be trying out the 1st POV.


Well the monitor is about a tenth of your total "eye-range" so calling 1st Person View for the real deal's just bs.

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Could just throw in an option whether to have motion on your view when you do flips and rolls and stuff and make some sort of notification popup about it but I dont see how your going to roll effectively in First Person, because you saw how Kyle Controlled the Roll in the PCGamer Trailer. Maybe Flips and Rolls are only with the Saber?

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Well personally I'd rather saberfight in 3rd person, the larger field of view should make up for the lack of feel with your saber. (in a normal swordfight in real life you at least feel where your sword is when you make a low swing and that the sword leaves your field of view, but in JK(II) you won't have the slightest idea where the blade is when you strike low.So I'd rather have 3rd person so I'll always know where my lightsaber is heading.

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The first person saber animations in JK were majorly messed up, particularly the secondary, which looks about 3x faster than it actually swings. In third person I found it much easier to judge where my lightsaber was hitting, especially in multiplayer where I'm trying to hit them with just the tip of my saber so I don't have to get too close and be at risk. It's also much easier to avoid things when you can see yourself.

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