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? about Lightsaber Dueling

Danger Nyk

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I was wondering how exactly this was going to be worked out? Will you just simply walk up to a person and swing wildly and whoever hits first with there lightsaber kill the other person(hope not). Or can you parry moves and block sword thrusts with your own thrust(ie: If he swings at you from the left and you swing in the same direction, will the lightsabers simply pass right through eachother like nothing even happened or will they they hit eachother and completly stop). This would greatly improve saber duels as i think they will last much longer and be a lot more fun. I have not seen anything about this so i would like it clarified.

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From what I know (or think I know?), the lightsaber always blocks anything that comes in it's way. So if another saber hits your saber while both sabers are swung, they block eachother. It's the same with laser bolts: if they hit your saber at any time, they're blocked.

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He's right :)


Another possibiliy:


You swing at the enemy and he blocks and you go into a saber lock...


I think thats visible for a few seconds in the first trailer



Theres 500 animations for the saber, and 3000 animation frames :)


(and maybe more!)

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There will be auto-blocking, of course, so when you are not attacking, you should be able to block your opponent's lightsaber in a similar fashion to that employed in JK.


I am pretty certain lightsabers will not simply pass through each other if both you and your opponent swing at the same time, due to the more advanced collision detection in the game. ;)


With the addition of defensive moves, and 8 attacks each in 3 different stances (giving a total of 24 attacks), I think these lightsaber battles are going to be pretty intense. :D

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I always wished that they would implement a system that would have directional blocking in saber battles. You could have the 4 basic directions, up, up, left, right. If the opposing jedi attacked high, you would have to press the up attack, and then you could either wait or his next attack or quickly try to counter ttack or dodge. Then the battle would continue until one of them made too many mistakes or one person fled. It might take a while to get used too, and you might need to develope some pretty fast reflexes, but if you could do it right i think it would be alot more engaging and fun. Also, the directional attacks would not always be the same. So, even though you may go left twice in a row, the animations wouldn't necessarily be the same.


They could include some sort of "lock-on" feature that would engage the system. When you "targeted" a jedi you would go into saber mode. just a thought



I think that the current system will be fun as well, if it ends up like they said. I still don't think you can have real dueling as long as you have autoblocking.

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That sort of a system would really require lock-on saber dueling(similar to Zelda 64's combat), which would be very boring since it eliminates any kind of movement, not to mention a 3rd person coming up and killing both of you. Hopefully the dueling will be a little more than run up, swing, back up, repeat like it was in JK.

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Originally posted by Zek

Hopefully the dueling will be a little more than run up, swing, back up, repeat like it was in JK.

God no! I hated that system in JK, it just wasn't epic enough for the feel of starwars. More like a medieval joust or something. The current design seems perfect to me.

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Originally posted by StormHammer

There will be auto-blocking, of course, so when you are not attacking, you should be able to block your opponent's lightsaber in a similar fashion to that employed in JK.


I hope this isn't the case, but an option. Basic vs. Advanced Sabre defense. If you auto-blocked everytime, how would anyone kill you? I agree with Tie Guy:


I always wished that they would implement a system that would have directional blocking in saber battles.[/Quote]


If you had to block for yourself, well, that would really 'seperate the men from the boys.'



"Live, and in your face!"

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Originally posted by TUS_Tomcat



how bout you start that mod :)


Well, I'm one of those people who are good at coming up with ideas, but can't actually do any of the coding. I really do think I'll get into modding once JKII comes out, so we'll see.


- JPD -


[EDIT: I bet real modders get pretty annoyed with people like me ;) ]

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I have been modding for Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear: Urban Operations (good title eh?) building new levels in 3d Studio MAX



I intend to learn how to build levels in the Quake 3 engine when JKII is around and ive done singleplayer and multi and i feel like: ok now i wanna build something :)


Perhaps I'll even try other stuff besides just building new maps

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Originally posted by TUS_Tomcat



I have been modding for Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear: Urban Operations (good title eh?) building new levels in 3d Studio MAX



I intend to learn how to build levels in the Quake 3 engine when JKII is around and ive done singleplayer and multi and i feel like: ok now i wanna build something :)


Perhaps I'll even try other stuff besides just building new maps


Didn't Raven or LucasArts say that they will release editors for JK2 when the game is released?

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Originally posted by Jyt-Pon Dai'el


Well, I'm one of those people who are good at coming up with ideas, but can't actually do any of the coding. I really do think I'll get into modding once JKII comes out, so we'll see.


- JPD -


[EDIT: I bet real modders get pretty annoyed with people like me ;) ]


You sound more like one of those people who think they have good ideas, but don't really and don't have the skills or determination to do them anyway.


I'm desperately hoping that there's a way to actually hit someone in a saber duel without having to go to their side/back... Saber duels in the movies weren't just people running in circles trying to get a positional advantage..

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