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Getting the Long Awaited Game...


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Don't know about you guys, but I have a near ritual when it comes to getting a new, highly anticipated game. The drive to the mall is always tooooo long, but when I find that parking spot and begin walking towards the shiny doors of the entrance, my speed increases slightly with each step. I see the game store up ahead. Thoughts of "what if it's not in!!!" torment my mind. I walk in the store, scanning the shelves anxiously. Sometime it isn't on the shelf, but I see a cardboard box behind the counter and I know inside is the shiny box I am looking for. I ask the guy if they got (jo) in he says yeah, it just got here. He takes the box cutter and fumbles with the tape. Taking way too long, I am willing him to hurry. Finally I see all the shiny boxes. He removes one and almost hands it too me, but instead he just rings it up. I hand him my check card, he puts the game in the bag and I bolt. Get in the car and undo all the pain in the ass wrapping. I flip through the manual, then start the car and drive cautiously quick to my house. Each red light (seems more tan usual) is slowing me down, but gives me the chance to look through the manual a bit more and undo the wrapping around the CD case. That is always the worst part. I get home, go right to the computer, pop the cd in, read the manual while it's installing, hoping the game will workt he first time (i don't know enough about computers to fix much) Install's finished. I click on the icon, holding my breath, and ...........see that ever faithful credit from the company. In this case the lucasarts guy. Who is wielding a light saber this time (maybe) I want to skip past this stuff, but I'm afraid it will skip the opening movie. The blue letters appear (long time ago, galaxy...) and then BAM STAR WARS!!! Great opening movie that i wish would end so I could play. Finally I get control and I'm always very critical of everything (subconciously) trying to find something i don't like. Every now and then, a game will just keep delivering on everything and I just laugh and shake my head in amazement.


Okay, what we just saw is a ritual reserved only for those much anticipated games (halflife, moh). Only a week from friday now.

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LOL, sounds fun, I almost wish I woudn't have preordered it at EB games so I could get it at the mall...


But ordering online has some fun things about it too.... Checking the mail everyday (with some of the same rituals as you use when seeing if it's at the mall :)), and being so exited when it finally does arrive.

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Here is a suggested change in your ritual.


Get game from shop, then check to insure CD is in box before you leave the store drive home and find its missing. Guess who this happened to.


That part about holding breath as you click the icon is so true to me too. I ain't had a game not work after buying but its sods law it will happen to the one you want the most.

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The CD was not in the Operation Flashpoint case, I got home and realised. The second game was RTCW but I realised it was missing as I went out the shop door, I stopped and span 180 and walked right back into the door, then went through the correct door any got my CD.


Its because the game on the shelf is just a display case, simple mistake but makes your heart jump out of your chest with fright when you get home.


Is it comfirmed that JK:JO is coming to the UK the same time as the USA cos I remember reading something like 'March 29th for US and hopefully the same time for the UK' perhaps this was an old prediction and its confirmed for UK at the same time as US?

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Originally posted by T-Dogg

I know one reason why I'm luckier than you: March 29th is a holiday here, so the shops are bringin' out the goods on the 28th. You can hate me now.


Umm....i think that's everywhere or nowhere seeing as how its religious and all. I don't have school that Friday but i'm sure the stores are open. I pre-ordered it tho....I wonder when it ships...

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I don't preorder any more. I pre-ordered a book once (Desecration) and it took forever to get it. It was shipped the day before it was released and I didn't get it until a week after I ordered it. So, for JO, here's the plan:

March 29, Itinerary:

10:00 AM - Wake up

12:00 PM - TV shoot

1:00 PM - TV shoot ends

1:00 PM - Leave for Best Buy

1:20 PM - reach BB

1:25 PM - Leave BB w/ JO

1:55 PM -Arrive home (I don't know why, but when I'm driving in a situation like this I hit EVERY red light)

2:00 PM have JO full install on PC


I'd get the game before the shoot, but I'd be distracted during the shoot and wouldn't be able to do my directing responsibilities. But who knows what will happen. When I do leave for it, I'm sure I'll be impatient. I don't know what I'll do if BB is sold out. I'll probably find a sales clerk, grab him by the collar of his shirt, and say in a threatening voice "Where is it!? I know you have it! Just give it to me!" J/K

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Dude, that is exactly what I do! I am so nervous when I get a new game. It's awesome though, I love that special feeling.


I've just been so hyped up about JKO lately. The trailers look so awesome... I can remember the good ol' JK days... That game was so sweet for its time, and I'm pretty sure that this one'll be awesome too.



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I don't know what I'll do if it doesn't install. I'd be soooo mad. I've been thinking about when I'm buying the game. If I get it before the shoot, I'll want to get it all done and go home to a great game. If I wait, I'll be thinking "only 30 more minutes until I have JO!"

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thank god I have no school on the 29th!


Here's what I plan to do


9:00 AM- Wake Up

10-11:00 Eat Breakfast,get dressed, make sure fully awake etc.

11:03- Leave for the mall

11:20-Arrive at mall

11:22-arrive at Gamestop inside the mall

11:27-finish marveling at box, check out

11:30-walk back to car

11:47-Arrive home

11:53-finish installing JO


lol sounds fun :thumbsup:

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I live in the UK and i hope that it comes out on the same day as in the US. If it comes out of Friday 29th i will have to get up at 9:00 to go and get it so i can have it before i must go into college. Then i'll miss college and work pretending to be ill (amebic dysentry is my planned disease because no one will come to visit me and disturb my playing). In the UK we are ahead of the US by 5 hours so i should have it good and early compared to all you :) and after five hours practice i should own your newbie asses for a while at multiplayer. Once you all figure it out i'll be getting my arse kickied every match again :) but for a couple of hours i'll be a king :) Heres to egomania.

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Here's my battle plan :


8h00 : Wake up, eat, get dressed

9h15 : Leaving for the mall

9h45 : Arriving at mall

10h : Store opens and I run for the game

10h30: Back home and start installing !

10h45: Finished intalling and start playing LAN with my friend : )


I can't wait for that game !11

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But ordering online has some fun things about it too.... Checking the mail everyday (with some of the same rituals as you use when seeing if it's at the mall ), and being so exited when it finally does arrive.


He's right. :) Waiting for it in the mail so beats getting it in the store. Although, there was the memorable occasion of Black and White ( I had been posting on the message board and had been involved with the community for 3 years, the development time was huge) which I almost fainted about. When I rang up my local EB and asked if he had it, and he said yes, I started screaming. :D


We were yelling at eachother in excitement, he was like 'DUDE, IT JUST GOT IN, I'M GETTING OFF WORK TO PLAY IT' and I was like "HOLY **** HOLY **** I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOR SO LONG'...


It was one of my more memorable game related moments. :)


Oh, and with my old computer, nothing worked. Baldurs Gate, Freespace 2, MechWarrior 3, everything. I remember being SO annoyed and mad.

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When i reserverd my copy the store's computer said theyd get it the 28th


I hope so!


Anyway i have the 28th and 29th off, so the schedule is the same:


6:00 am get out of my bed, cant sleep anymore

6:10 am brows the forums saying OMG OMG

10:00 am call the store: you get the shipment yet?


Repeat until yes


11:00 am (a gues) go to store after hearing they got it

11:10 am return home

11:15 am post here on the forum, my I GOT IT YES YES! topic

11:20 am install, pray it installs fine

11:30 am (?) fire it up, pray it works

11:35 am singleplayer do some levels till i get my saber

14:00 am maybe later, post a first impressions topic here with screens, maybe a movie

14:10 am go back to playing SP with saber or maybe bot matches


until the end


MP will wait till second day at least, i think

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Yea i did that once ^_^ I went to the mall 1 hour early for my game cube! It was so cool the whole mall was empty. All was quiet in the mall and the gates were down on all the shops hehe. But i preordered JO #1 cause ill be on vacation and wont be home till late the 29th when all are sold out. #2 Cause With overnight shipping the total was 43.95 ^_^

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TUS_Tomcat is right....EB says that it due out on the 28th and if you go by the site, it says it will be shipped on the 27th but if I were you, I would put a deposit down (just did this past Friday) so that you can get it on the day it's released. This way you don't have to worry about your delivery (UPS or Fed Ex) being late a day or two (although Fed Ex is usually pretty good). 99% of the time, retail stores will have it in when the release date is because Lucasarts does not want to look bad so and neither does Raven of course but I'm gonna call EB the morning of the 28th and see if it's in and if it's not.... if a truck is scheduled that day. If it's not scheduled until Friday...well the day before is always the longest!

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