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I Can"t Take The Wait


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Can I ask how long you've been waiting for?


I know a few of us have been waiting quite some time. Actually we were promised a game a few years back...Can't remember what happened to it though... I'm sure it will come back to me. :D





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Well I never really heard about JK2 till about a month ago. I heard they where gonna make it for the x box or something.................


Let me guess some of you guys are dark forces 1 fans. I never got into that game...... now jedi knight on the other hand......

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I'v been waiting for about 4 years for dedicated servers


Your lack of patience is disturbing


being made for the xbox? that is bs, it may be done in the future, but there is absolutely not even a rumor of that yet.

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You know, I was exactly like this with Jedi Knight, i.e. "MUST HAVE GAME NOW ARRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! Will I get it faster at Babbages or preordering????!!!! AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!"


Now, well, it's just different. Sure, I've been looking forward to Jedi Outcast as much as anyone. It's the only PC game I've cared about since Starlancer, in fact. But...if it were suddenly delayed a month, I wouldn't really give a damn. Maybe it's just that I'm older now and/or have a lot of serious problems to deal with (I mean problems not like drug addiction, but the normal, every day problems and responsibilities that come with the extra years). Maybe I've just learned patience :)

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Always emotion is the future...


Calm down, save your batteries. As wardz and others have said...many of us have waited a very long time for this game (I have since 1998 after MotS was released), so I'm sure we can all empathise with your agonising wait. ;)


My best advice is to go and play (or do) something else to keep your mind off the waiting. I know I've got plenty of other games to keep me busy for a while. :D

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*play trailer.... trailer finished, play trailer.... trailer finished, play PC Gamer trailer.... trailer finished, play PC Gamer trailer.... trailer finished, play 2nd official trailer.... trailer finished, play 2nd official trailer.... trailer finished*



*repeat above*

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