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I seem to think that they'd make it more cinematic than some thug just whipping his lightsaber at his neck. They'd almost certainly have the opponent who severes his head holding the blade for a little more of a dramatic effect. I doubt they'd have a bunch of troopers in his vision either.

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Another reason I'd like to see a better quality scan of that pic is because I'd like to make it my desktop wallpaper. ; )


That reminds me of a great desktop image the Obi-Wan team guys had at the E3 I visited... it showed Qui Gon with his back turned standing there, and ObiWan about to crack him over the head with his saber at close range... hehe

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Chang's response was interesting. He did not deny that decapitations are possible. He said the pic didn't look fake, but he's not saying that we'll definitly see this in the final build ***THEN*** he says especially in germany! Sure, maybe this means nothing, but maybe you can decap.

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it may be a fake, or it may not be.



anyway, if it was a fake, considering the guy who did it, would have to be somewhat good, and i doubt he would do a obvious mistake with the levitating trooper.



And the lightsabers, they throw out a gradient blur, where you can se the original textures in these ( i checked). And to fake that, is timecraving, and difficult to get the same effect. Say you copied the lightsaber from somewhere, and put it in there, the textures would be different. Its possible, but it would be difficult using the blendmodes, and there would still be traces, and getting it to look like you dident use any blend modes.


And all the other points you people have shown, all those could as easily be game glitches insteed of photo manipulation.


The only main point i saw, was that i thought the kyle model, was a bit to large for his suroundings, but maybe hes just one of those big type characters =)


its more likely to be the real thing, then what it is to be a fake.

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Originally posted by Obi

I seem to think that they'd make it more cinematic than some thug just whipping his lightsaber at his neck. They'd almost certainly have the opponent who severes his head holding the blade for a little more of a dramatic effect. I doubt they'd have a bunch of troopers in his vision either.


Perhaps he was talking to the "invisible" man and this vision is all about his fear to become a jedi and is thinking of all the dangers maybe:confused: ?

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Originally posted by RiseForth

One reason I think the picture is either a fake or from an earlier build is because I don't think the game would be allowed to receive a "T" (Teen) Rating if you were able to cut off enemies heads in the game....



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First off, my opinion is that this is an earlier build/a gag made by the team. I dont know bout u guys but I havent really seen Kyles death animation much b4 and a faker would need that. Besides, as stated before, a faker wouldnt make obvious mistakes such as the floating stormtrooper and the shadows on the flying head.


Now, as a practitioner of martial arts incorporating swords and as a die hard Star Wars fan, that picture bothers me.


Now, if the weapon had been say a broadsword or a katana or anything which uses the principle Sharp metal + Neck = Flying head. With a weapon such as the saber, however, heads shouldn´t go flying since there isn´t anything that pushes the head away. It just makes a 100% clean cut through the neck and therefore the head should just... fall off.. Kinda like Darth Mauls torso ya know? If he had hit something like a diamond cube however, it is understandable if the cube flies as the saber cant make clean cuts through everything, watch ep 1 to see that.




PS national newspaper? ehmm pc action doesnt sound like the national newspaper DS

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Originally posted by 7-7ighlander


Now, as a practitioner of martial arts incorporating swords and as a die hard Star Wars fan, that picture bothers me.


Now, if the weapon had been say a broadsword or a katana or anything which uses the principle Sharp metal + Neck = Flying head. With a weapon such as the saber, however, heads shouldn´t go flying since there isn´t anything that pushes the head away. It just makes a 100% clean cut through the neck and therefore the head should just... fall off.. Kinda like Darth Mauls torso ya know? If he had hit something like a diamond cube however, it is understandable if the cube flies as the saber cant make clean cuts through everything, watch ep 1 to see that.




Nope. YOU watch ESB. Remember Luke chopping that Darth Vader/Luke Skywalker thingies head off? It didn't just stand on top Vader's/Luke's body, it flew off like in that screenshot.

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hi, this "screen" is taken from a pc-games-magazine here in germany(PC-Action). The mag tells it is a taken screenshot from a late beta-version they had for testing the game. Not the gold version and I suspect an american/international one, because it also tells the german version will be less violent, no dismembering of any bodyparts etc.

And YES, the screen looks shady somehow, dunno why, but it looks also awful in the magazine... ;-)

the test ended in a 91 % and they really loved it, calling it the best action-game ever so far..

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Originally posted by Gabrobot



Nope. YOU watch ESB. Remember Luke chopping that Darth Vader/Luke Skywalker thingies head off? It didn't just stand on top Vader's/Luke's body, it flew off like in that screenshot.


well darths head had hydraulics and electronic stuff etc in teh helmet so it could conceivably be becuase of them exploding

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