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Lightsabre stab behind


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I love this game already, although i have a silly niggling thing i was wondering about.


In the 2nd trailer there is a bit where the player swung the lightsabre in a stabbing motion that kills a guy behind him.


That looks cool, BUT how do i "the player" do that?

How can i see behind me to do that?

i went frame by frame and unless he already knew he was there from a previous battle, i cannot see how he saw someone was there.


what im really asking is how can the average Joe use that backstab swing? can you see behind somehow?


I know kyle has the force and can 'feel' him behind himself, but i dont!





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I don't remember what member of Raven that responded to that question but I do remember someone asking how to do that and Raven replied that it's quite easy actually to see someone behind you. Maybe there is something on your HUD display that will show you if someone is behind you or to either side of you. It looks though from what Raven has said, that it will be easy when you see how it's done.

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Originally posted by boba fett c3po

in the trailer kyle doesnt hit the reborn with his saber but the saber goes under the reborn his armpit :D





... yes, I'm sure we could go frame by frame and argue about the extent to which he is hit or not because he doesn't get a 'Qui-Gon hole' ... watch it at regular speed and it rocks. I just played that sequence 5 times at regular speed and it really looks very good. We could also argue about how despite the other reborn getting cut and half (and the saber did go through him that time) that the physics of getting chopped are missing. Who cares - you clearly sliced him ...

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u do know there is space between the model of kyle and the 3rd person camera, depending on the value raven set. looks like some where between 70 and 100. so u can see some one behind u if they come inbetween u and the camera so :p

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One thing you can see, is that Kyle repositions himself before making the stab. Though, whatever that means, I'm not sure. Heh. Still too early in the day for me to think... I'd probably say he knew he was being followed before he stood still.

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Originally posted by txa1265

... yes, I'm sure we could go frame by frame and argue about the extent to which he is hit or not


This WAS done :D , though I forget the outcome. I think that he barely grazed the guys thigh, or something like that.



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Guys, those movies that we saw are running at about 5 or 6 frames per second. That game, when Chang or whatever played it, was likely going at over 30 FPS. That is a great reason why we wouldn't see the actuall hit or whatever you guys were arguing about...

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