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Combat in JK2 question.


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There are not as many saber wielders as stormies :)


And the slow motion effect can be enabled in the options menu or totally disabled if you dislike/hate it...


It plays when you kill a saber bad guy or something... we dont know if you can make it say: play for every bad guy, only the super bad ass bosses etc...

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Welcome to the forums Chiss Lord and TressAIrway. Hope you're enjoying your stay. Here...*hands each a chocolate Jedi Medallion* ;)


As the others have said, jumping off walls will probably be a matter of jumping at the wall, and quickly hitting jump again to launch yourself off it. That's how it was done in Heretic II, anyway, and this could be similar.


As for the slow-motion effect, as Tomcat said, you can turn off that feature in the config. menus if you don't like it. So far I've only seen the effect when you pull off a great move against another lightsaber user. Perhaps it is limited to when you pull off a cool move (probably a deathblow) during lightsaber combat. :)

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