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What we don't know............?????


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We keep discussing facts and rumors about the game content. We look at every new screen... So what don't we know about this game. What weapons have we not seen in action? What enemies have we not seen pics of?




i don't remember seeing swamptrooper pics yet?/ What else?

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We've seen ONE swamp trooper pic (at least i have), and he wasn't in a swamp. i think it was more of a control room type of thing.


looking ...


damn, not on the LEC site like i thought. oh well...it's on something recent, maybe an interview or something?



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In the first trailer towards the end Kyle is firing a large gun right before a rocket hits him. This is either a mounted weapon (probably) or a vehicle, because the health meter is completely different.

And I don't remember seeing any models of weapons that look like that.

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