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Countdown to JK2: Jedi Outcast!


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As you approach the doors the noises get louder: constant laughter, that evil maniacal bwahaha, and that distinctive Cantina ale-music. It's a nostalgic invitation and you decide to take the offer.



Pull up a chair, folks -- grab an ale, settle in, and hit the music!


The countdown begins tonight. We're finally in single-digits.


After tonite, there'll be only 8 days and 8 nights to endure!

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I just dont know which day to count down to!


the 28th :D the 29th :) or later :(


Place your bets folks, when will we see the first OMG I GOT IT WOOOOOOO post?


26th? 27th? 28th? 29th? Who will be the lucky guy to be the first forum-goer at jkii.net to have walked into a store and bought it, or to have received it at his doorstep?


Warez scum not allowed to participate :)

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Ladies and Gentlemen...


It has passed 12 p.m. here on the Pacific Coast (and now is Thursday) so say farewell to one of our beloved friends.


<chugs the shotgun>


:violin: Goodbye, friend!


:elephant::monkey4::elephant::monkey4: :monkey4: :elephant::monkey4::elephant:


One down, Eight more to go. Our last comrade will be shot on the 28th. Don't miss it! And remember... pinkies first, monkeys later.

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Well since it's gone GOLD now and the sales person at EB said they would have it the 28th and the web site also confirms it at the 28th and EB and Amazon.com states that it will be released on the 27th...I'm going with the 28th!!


So...I'm putting down $75 on Thursday March 28, 2002. Anyone else want to bet? *Disclaimer* 'Bowen is only using virtual money and cannot be legally bound to pay for a debt if he loses'


Come on.... anyone?

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*Brings crack cocaine, opium and heroin*



Ive ben glued to this god damn website for the last few days and i know thats short compared to most of you. I just discovered this game last week *holds up a shield to block the flamage* I know i know where the f*** have i ben?? Anyways the trailors have grabbed me by the nuts and im goin crazy. I dont know if i wanna preorder it off internet or have a store save me a copy or just show up when the mall opens...... But i will have it the day it comes out....... or theres gonna be some ownage :eek:



[Edit - Stormy - swearing ]

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