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What's the first thing you'll do when you get it?


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Originally posted by hahadude

What little faith you have...I don't know FOR SURE that I will be the worst, its just this feeling that I have...deep down in my pants...


lol :)


Just remember, no one (well, except the Aussies :mad:) has played the game before. You and all the other people are starting at (almost) the same time. It's a fair competition :)

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- Admire the art work on the box

- Double check the system requirements and morun at the fact that my PIII 500 probably won't run it too well :(

- Install

- Run through the training if there is one

- Play single player for a while

- When I feel confident, hook up to a mulitplayer game if there are any :D

- Other wise I will do some BOT match stuff

- Revert to SP and try and beat it on all difficulty levels :D

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Welcome Euk!


I think I'm regular enough to welcome members aboard now. I'm about lose my 'Bantha Fodder' moniker... even though I've grown rather fond of it. I'm not very fond of becoming a 'Pit Droid' however... sounds more like a demotion than a promotion. :p


I never got a welcome either when I joined up. It was more like a flame from someone with over 1000 posts. Eesh. Some people are idiots but the overwhelming majority of people here are friendly folks.


Eesh, I sound like some sort of 76-year old cripple. I'll quit before I further embarass myself.


Anyways... back to the thread topic.


First thing I'm going to do is fix them godforsaken controls. The ONE THING I hate most about the JK games are the (dang) force power keys. Talk about stretching your fingers... Kevin Garnett would OWN at this game.


After that I was planning on SP... but I'm going to opt to play some MP with bots. Gives me a chance to test out the controls and get a feel for all the weapons.

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Originally posted by Euk

I'm part of the tfc community and all it is is flames and cheat accusations. ...... I'm thinking about making a community move. :)


Just dont tell the guys at TFC community that you're leaving and where to... Dont need them :)


[EDIT] And to answer your question, once I have installed it (if the install works!!!) I'll first play the singleplayer at LEAST till I get my saber and duel my first saber wielding enemy... Then I might continue if its really fun or go in a bot match with saber...


I will NOT do a bot match with saber before I "earned" it in single player...


So I'm seriously considering not to download a demo, SHOULD one be released before the game is...


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I will play and beat the singleplayer...... When i am unstopable in singleplayer i will advance to multi.


Thats what i did in Wolfenstein and it worked out pretty well and the game is still fun. If u hop right into to MP then the singleplayer game usually gets pretty boring. So ill play and beat single on medium-hard difficulty before i spend weeks on MP =P



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Come on, its STAR WARS!


Like AnY of you are going to be able to resist trying to finish the singleplayer in a single sitting once the immortal strains of ''The Imperial March'' and ''Binary Sunset'' hit the airways!


I remember the first time you come across stormtroopers in JK, ''Imperial March'' starts up and you realise that you really have no option but to go absolutely besERK with your humming lightsaber...


The first thing I'll do is read the manual. Love savouring the moment before plunging in...


lol, so to speak. ;)

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Lol yeah i always buy the game and read the manual all the way through just so i dont have to check it once im playing. I was gonna go see if i could buy a copy of the manual before the 27th cause my dads friend works at EB. Doubt it will happen but im gonna ask anyways..



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Probably play it on easy the wuss that I am (I'm still tormented by MoH's Sniper level on anything harder than Easy). According to a interview, the puzzles will actually change per difficulty. I like the sound of that, more games should do that; not just add more enemies or make them annoyingly accurate.


Hopefully they put a fair amount of effort into the manual, I love reading them before playing the game, puts you in the mood, especially if it's a really well done manual such as Empire Earth of MGS2 (where the manual tutorial is a mini-comic strip).


I'm guessin that us aussies probably will get it the same time as the americans after all this, if not later. The irony of it all...

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actually i think that the aussies will get it well before us...on the otehr hand, i will play jk2 all the way through friday morning and till it takes me to get done...then ill set up a multi character, set up my elite hotkeys, own some people on multiplayer, own some more people, own some more people...burn it off for backup purposes (heh ill share it with a friend who we share all the games we buy) and then own some more people...

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Will the game require a free account to play online like Tribes 2?

And will u need the CD in the computer to play it? Cause in Wolf u dont need a password or the cd to play multiplayer just the cd key. So with RtCW u can download it on your friends computer and type in the Cd key and he can play online also and the SP for free. So you prolly wont even have to let your friend barrow it u can just download it on his comp if its anything like RtCW.



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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

I'd install it first if I were you guys ^_~ But personally I'll read the manual first and then install and then play some SP and then at the end of the day I might try a LAN DM against my sis or something like that.


Is your sis going to be playing DeathMatch Online? If so thats great we need more women out here that like to play games like this.

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When the box arrives on my doorstep, I'll rip open the packaging, sending styrophome popcorn flying in every direction. As I glimpse the blue and white box for the first time, tears of joy will stream down my face. I'll clutch the box close to me and fall to my knees, thanking God for the vast bounty of sweet, sweet gameplay that he has bestowed upon me. When I finally pull myself together, I'll read through every last word of the manual, and with trembling fingers, click through the installation process.


Demonstrating Jedi-like patience, I'll then spend as long as it takes setting up the absolute perfect controller configuration on my Stategic Commander, max out all display settings, and make sure surround sound is set up properly. Finally, before I start playing, I'll go downstairs to my Keg-erator and pour myself a pint of Sierra-Nevada.


As for actually playing, I'll definately play through SP before I even touch anything else. Then I'll take a day or so playing bot matches to warm myself up so I don't get owned in MP. I'll then devote the next several years of my life to playing MP and all the great Mods that are going to come out!

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Originally posted by Kuluwen

Yeah all the chick gamers get sucked into games like Eq and Daoc.... We need some rambo chicks kicken some butt.



Dunno, I know quite a few female gamers that play stuff like XWA & JK/MotS. (heck, one of the best X-Wing pilots in my old clan was a girl. *sob* why did that group had to stop existing. *sniff* 't was such a fun place... ahem)

anyways about that question if she'll play online, dunno she usually just LANs with me or one of her friends when they're over here ^_^" But anywho I must admit that she's good for just being 14 years of age.

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Originally posted by Jyt-Pon Dai'el

When the box arrives on my doorstep, I'll rip open the packaging, sending styrophome popcorn flying in every direction. As I glimpse the blue and white box for the first time, tears of joy will stream down my face. I'll clutch the box close to me and fall to my knees, thanking God for the vast bounty of sweet, sweet gameplay that he has bestowed upon me. When I finally pull myself together, I'll read through every last word of the manual, and with trembling fingers, click through the installation process.


Demonstrating Jedi-like patience, I'll then spend as long as it takes setting up the absolute perfect controller configuration on my Stategic Commander, max out all display settings, and make sure surround sound is set up properly. Finally, before I start playing, I'll go downstairs to my Keg-erator and pour myself a pint of Sierra-Nevada.


As for actually playing, I'll definately play through SP before I even touch anything else. Then I'll take a day or so playing bot matches to warm myself up so I don't get owned in MP. I'll then devote the next several years of my life to playing MP and all the great Mods that are going to come out!


Yeah you got to love all that Syrophome popcorn junk that they use to pack these games in. I would first of all make sure I didn't get it everywhere because I would have to spend more time picking it up the damn stuff instead of playing JK2 and that would be a shame.

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Unlike most people that have posted, I plan on going into a team MP saber-only bot match, with my best friend and I going against some reborn to learn the saber, evasive moves, force powers, etc. That way, we can find out all the stuff together and tell each other things we're discovering (2 minds better than 1). Single-player will be great, but I just can't wait to use the saber and see it in action. I'll probably spend half the time just watching my friend duel with reborn, sitting there in awe of how cool it looks.



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