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Force powers.


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Ok, lets say that you are facing a storm trooper who isn't looking at you. if you ran up behind him, looked upwards and force pushed, would he fly farther thn if you looked down?


what i'm trying to say is, do you aim where you push them to?


I think it'd be really funny to shoot someone sky high and implae them on my lightsaber.

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i reallly doubt that if you look up he will lift in the air...if you even look at jk, the targeting with force powers such as grip and push (in mots) is not based on where you aim on their body (which would be sweet), but is placed on them the same place all the time...i dont htink that you will be able to push them up..

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I don't think that's what he means. I think he means that basically put the person you're pushing between yourself and where you want to push them, and that's where they'll go. We see in the trailer that they always get pushed in the direction away from you, so as I said if you were under them, say, they're on a ledge and you're under the ledge, then if you pushed them then they'd fly and then fall.

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In the second trailer, Kyles force jumps above the stormtrooper and force pushes him, and he falls down where he's standing. Much different from the one he hurls off a pit later. I imagine it's where you're standing in comparison to the enemy, not where you're looking when you do it.

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I think that the one where he gets tossed far into the pit is cause he had a higher lvl Force push *shrug* then the one where he just hits the floor


And i wonder if we can force grip a trooper and continue to slam him back and forth between 2 walls till he dies. Or slam his head into the cieling.



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