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That's not even a question to me. Light. All the way. Dark just had to many limitations in JK. Grip could easily be broken. Thrown could hurt you, same with destruction. Lightning was inacurate and deadly side could be delt with. I see more use for the light side then the dark. Granted my brother plays dark and often wups my butt with the dark if I'm off my gaurd, but what you can't dodge you can absorb.

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Even though I was a Dark Jedi in JK1's MP 99% of the time, I think I may like light a whole lot this time around... Why? Because, with the addition of new neutural powers, light is alot more balanced, in terms of offense vs defense.


With Pull/Push at level 3 I'll actually be able to harm people from a distance, and with saber throw, I have a second fairly long distance attack. In JK, the Lighties were forced to be close combat only, or guns only, and neither do I like... But now Lighties have some offensive abilities this time...


Ofcourse Dark has all of those offensive abilities too, and more, but it may get kind of redundant having so many damaging attacks, it may end up where only a few of them are actually worthwhile, but on the other hand, the Light side has such varied powers, that I believe all will remain useful.


So I'm not really sure... I think I'll try playing Light and Dark 50% of the time for the first month, to figure out which I enjoy the most.

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This may be alittle OT, But... I tried to change my avatar from my old custom avatar to my new one, but after I changed it for some odd reason I have a Han Solo Face as my avatar?? No, that isn't my custom avatar... Are we only allowed to use custom avatars after a certain ammount of posts now?

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Originally posted by Kuluwen

IS there a website with any detailed information on what every lvl of each Force power will do?? cause i didnt play jk1 enough to know what each lvl did.


im not sure aue if there is an offical website on it but u may find someone who did a walkthrough and they might have it listed.

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