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Will there be a demo?


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but who cares about the demo if it comes after the game is out.


Just get the game


Not everyone is such a fan they are willing to stake $40-50 on a game they have never had a chance to play, keep that in mind.


Besides, a demo gives a person a chance to sample some of the fun while they wait, and see how it will run on their system.


And nobody is forced to buy the game on release day, they can buy it anytime they want, or never!

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Originally posted by Tanis

I have no idea if this matter has been covered before or not




All newbies read this



search before you just go starting a thread on a topic that common sense tells you would at least have been mentioned before by some other newbie ages ago.


damn server downtime.

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I am a avid gamer. No Newbie. But it seems this "forum".

Doesnt let you search. It says admin doesnt let you.

So we cant do a random search for demo like most other "forums".


Not to mention. Star Trek Voyager. What a load of "vaporware".

And only "newbies". Post immature pics. And only "newbies" Race out and get a Geforce 3\4 just to run Jedi 2. Who really liked Star Trek Voyager and still playing it.


Star Trek Voyager was lame. Go on ship, fight on ship, go to alien ship, go back to your ship fight more enemies. End of game. It makes daikatana look good.


Give me a break. Get a Xbox and Halo. At least with Xbox. You dont have to upgrade. You dont have to worry about vaporware games. Or clones of games. And you sure dont have to worry about game companies like 3drealms with duke forever.


And why worry about Jedi 2 and SOF 2. Give me a break. Medal Of Honour is the best war sim. Who cares about gibs. John Mullins are real war hero. Yeah Right. Look at the game. Arcadey, action movie style. Now MOH was created by real war heros. Not some newbie.


Dont get me wrong. i am no FANBOY of Xbox. I love all platforms. PC, PS2, Xbox. But REAL games are. Deus Ex perfect game, Hitman, Half Life, for PS2. Grand Theft Auto 3 kick @ss game. Metal Gear Solid 2 perfect game. Xbox Halo Perfect game.


Now I am going back to play MGS2 and Halo. Jedi 2. Bwahaha. Only newbies and kiddies play superhero, sci fi games, Bahwhaha.

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RainWolf, are you for real?


"But it seems this "forum". Doesnt let you search."


Actually, you are still able to look at previous pages. There are enough topics on this, you wouldn't have to go very far. Your blame on a function not working is only a testament to your own laziness.


"At least with Xbox. You dont have to upgrade."


I think you mean, "At least with Xbox, you can't upgrade." Some of us like to use commas instead of periods, too.


And you sure dont have to worry about game companies like 3drealms with duke forever


What would possibly make you worry about that?


And like OCH said, Metal Gear Solid 2 and Halo are superhero, sci-fi games.


I think you chose the wrong forum to post in. :)

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Originally posted by Chanke4252

They didnt say we will get a demo or not. I would guess that since its so close to release that it will be after the release if at all.


yea, i'm pretty sure they'll make a demo...but it'll come out a week or 2 after retail release (29th)

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There's no reason to bash a game before it is even out.. especially when its going to be released in a week.


JK2 is not vaporware... there has been a constitent rate of news and no delays with regards to its release (fake release date rumors perpetuated by irresponsible software venders nonewithstanding).


People can comment all they want on JK2's features or whatnot, but there's really no way to know if it will be good or bad until you've had a chance to play it. Right??


The search, avatars, and sigs are being disabled because of the huge hit our servers are taking with the huge influx of people. When we get our new server (hopefully soon) that can change, assuming we can handle the load. Until that time, you'll just have to bear with us... we'd like it all working perfectly as much as anyone.


Now play nice... ; )

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Rainwolf...ah nevermind it's not worth my time getting into a debate about games. People just like different things, deal with it.


Oh and MOH was created my computer programmers.....you want World War 2 heroes??....visit a nursing home, I bet they'll say it was nothing like MOH.

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Originally posted by RainWolf

Not to mention. Star Trek Voyager. What a load of "vaporware".


You're vocabulary is missing some very large parts.


"Vaporeware" is a term used for games that have been in development for an extremely long time but never released and usually cancelled (silently).


Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force is NOT vaporeware because it WAS released. And if I remember correctly, many game review sites ranked it as a very good game.



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