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Dream Star Wars game!


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Guest Crazy_dogreturn

Something like Battlegrounds, but with linked maps, all the planets, and more civs and terrain.



I'm working on something like that right now. If u want to help, PM me.

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Guest Hannibal

A RPG where you start of as an apprentice slowly work your way to knight, then get your own aprentice. At each level the council would assign you missions.


I will always hope for this.


That is until they make it.

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Guest Hannibal
Originally posted by Tie Guy

Squaresoft + Lucasarts = Incredible game


Really though, i'd love to see a SW Final Fantasy type game. That would simply be the best.


That sounds good to me too. With Squaresoft you know you're gonna get hours and hours of gameplay. That be cool to have a long Star Wars game with a detailed story.


Good call Tie Guy.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Thrawn

Hmm, I agree. . . What about a SW version of SSBM?! :D Now THAT would be $WEET!


Its called "Masters of the Teri Kasi" for psx.


BTW, i've been thinking about some of the gameplay features/weapons/story/itmes for such a game (SW:FF) for a long time, ya know, for fun ;)

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No, Teras Kasi wasn't that great. I played it, but it's old. . . They need some new stuff w/ Jango and Jar Jar (beating on him would be fun) and maybe a battledroid. :bdroid1:

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Originally posted by jesseg88

Another X-wing game!!!!:x-wing: Licence and use the Klingon Academy engine!


Buy a Gamecube, Rogue Leader kicks butt!!!

I hope it will be ported to the PC, multiplayer should be awsome then! :)

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ok here is mine(hoping that some lucas guy reads this)


a friend was telling me about this game called runescape on runescape.com its like an endless world where you live and fight and stuff in multiplayer i would like to see something like this you could work to be a pilot or a jedi ar a soldier (kinda like the existing star wars rpg but with a larger scope (and with better graphix if you go to runescape.com youll see what i mean they suck) sound cool to you guys we could allways pressure lucasarts ;)

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an game like Galaxies only then much more detail to other stuff, like a whole online Universe.

And not only with Land but also with space. A Everquest/Freelancer combination..


And then there should be a few fractions: Smugglers, Bounty Hunters, Criminals, Rebels, Imps and Normal people.

Now that would be awsome. And add lotsa of detail in the small things. I hope that Galaxies will be like this. But yet there is not much info about it avaible...


An RPG like Baldurs Gate 2 is on my wish list too. Would be awsome.

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