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The wookiees are supposed to mine carno 5% faster. However, it turns out it's more like 60% or more faster. This has got to be changed. It does not make the wookiees so good that no one else can compete, but it gives them an unfair advantage and it needs to be patched. If anyone can get a hold of lucas arts and inform them, it would really help.

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Guest daraddor

Just play a game as wookies and watch your carbon collection in the third and fourth age. The difference is quite signifigant. If they don't patch it soon then multiplayer will be either wook vs. wook or they will just be banned from games.

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Guys, I know what I'm talking about. Without any upgrades, a wookiee villager gathers 10 carbon in 5 seconds(and maybe less). Some smart people at MFO did the math and a wookiee carbon guy with no upgrades gathers one carbon in .78 seconds. Everyone else takes about 1.5-2.5 seconds(I'm not sure exactly). The wookiees can get more carbon with less workers and that's just cheap.

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if you fully upgrade the carbon, and add to that the wookie bonus, to every one of your carbon drones, thats a alot of carbon.


I have played tech4 wookies, they are fast, but its not insane, its like when you play rebels I always end up having lots and lots of food.

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Guest WC_heavyarms

You know knights, you could complain about every civ's speedy bonus. You could complain about the rebels' food, or the TF's ore, or the Wookie's carbon. Leave it at that!

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Here's how to end this discussion:


5% is so much more than you think. I know it looks like 60% more when you look at the workers, but it's not.


Do this:

1. Start a recorded game with only a worker, a forest or another large carbon source, and a carbon processing plant (custom map).


2. Have the Wookie start mining.


3. After 10 minutes, come back to the computer and see how much carbon you have.


4. Record this number.


5. Go into the scenario editor again and change the civ to a civ that gathers carbon at a normal rate (don't try using TF as they get a penalty). Don't change anything else.


6. Repeat 2-4.


7. Compare the numbers. If you're any good at math, you'll now have the total % difference.


And that ought to solve it :).

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Let's get one thing clear: these kind of things encourage an active community and enthusiasm over the game, so try not to downplay people who take to discovering these things, ok ?


That said, carbon is very important early on in the game, so the Wookiees seem to be the ultimate 'rush-civ' with that bonus..

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Guest Lord Tirion

I played Wookies in rms and their carbon flies right from the beginning. In Tech 1 alone I had over 1000 carbon in what usually I have like 300 when I tech with other civs. I do not know about 60 percent or so but they do seem to collect carbon at an incredible rate. I usually play DM but I play some rm as well and everytime I played RM, who ever played the Wookies seemed to dominate the game from the get go. If you ran out of resources, all you had to do was go to your spaceport and sell your extra carbon for whatever resource you needed.

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Guest WC_heavyarms

When I played you and your partner was wookie, Tirion, he had a lot of trouble handling me! And anyway, getting higher on the tech tree, more things cost nova, like planes, unique units, and assault mechs. Those things also effect their ability. Also, most units cost lots of carbon.

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KNIGHTS Q2 is EXACTLY right...get it through your thick heads plz!! :) this is not a COMPLAINT but a BUG, an ERROR in the game...the wookies DO have a 65% bonus INSTEAD of a 5% bonus, this bring forth a HUGE gameplay balance...


like or believe it not, i dont care but its there...go to this site: http://www.mrfixitonline.com these ppl are good and have followed AoK forever, youll find more there then youll even think about knowing, trust me :) look up some age of kings strategy if youd like as well, it will help your game abilities, is a GREAT site with knowledgeable ppl



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