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250 pop sounds good, but will it create more lag?


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well if there's 2 players on a team....and 4 people playing...that's like 500 units per team....2 teams...1,000 units on screen at once!!!!!!! if there's a maximum amount of people....that's 2000 units altogether.....it'd probably create lag if a 56ker was playing....

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Originally posted by _HaZeKniGhT

I read the new info on GS.com and I saw the info about the population for each civ to now be 250. IMO, won't this create much more lag or is there some sort of new deivce which allows for more polygons to be on the screen at once.


The game doesn't use polygons, it renders sprites (2D) and the lag across the network wont be greatly effected, the power of your PC's graphics card will make a large difference to frame rates (not the CPU). If you have 16MB or more of AGP memory you should be comfortable running a full scale game, ofcourse 56k'ers will suffer in any web based game nomatter the power of their PC due to the fact they can be interupted so easily and their singal depreciates over distance drastically.

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Ok, lets put this into perspective. SW:GB runs on a 'tweaked' AOE engine, AOE is YEARS old now, so in other words if your PC can't run the game happily... you need to upgrade and before you say I don't have the money or why should I. If you want to play games, then you need to buy a PC that will do instead of moaning. You wouldn't buy a Ford Fiesta if you wanted to drag race, you'd upgrade it or buy a new, better and faster one. Even a mediocre (400-500MHz with a average/good graphics card) should be more then capable of playing this game @ 1024x768.


Sorry, its called 'evolution'.. well its not, but theory could apply. :D


Oh and I'm not getting at you, just saying that if you want to do somthing, don't moan if your kit isn't up to the task.

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My main concern is that higher pop games tend to have more Out of Sync, which is always irritating. (Especially as you can hardly ever get folks to stay around for a resume on the Zone)


It seems that, once you have a high pop, if some players can't keep up with High speed... the game slows down to their level... but if it starts to get too slow, you start to get out of sync (We actually have run tests and found that setting the game at medium speed tends to fix this. And the game speed actually doesn't change once there are lots of units because the Internet and some players computers just can't keep up with 8 players and 200 units. Sure, the first few minutes are slower... but that's worth it to me to have it stay stable once there are more than 1000 units on the map.)



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