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Alien Jedi/Sith?


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greetings all. new here, love the game, etc etc ;)


one real question that's been bothering me. why not include alien jedi/sith?


this only really comes into play for three races, the Trade Fed, the Gungans and the Wookies.


The Rebels, Empire, Naboo, Confederacy and Republic can(perhaps should?) have the human Jedi (Sith in the case of the Empire and, i assume, the Confederacy.)


but why do the alien races not have alien Jedi? it's been shown from Yoda himself in the OT as well as the plethora of alien Jedi shown in TPM that Jedi do not have to be human. in the case of the Sith Darth Maul himself was Zabrak.


so why don't we get Gungan and Wookie Jedi? and Neimoidian Sith? nothing prohibits these races from being Force trained, and it would certainly add a great deal to these 3 races individuality at very little cost (some new sprites, animation, and a few audio clips.)


if this won't be addressed by LucasArts (or whoever does the animation for the CC x-pac) are there any modders out there who feel similar to me on this subject? i'd do it myself but i lack artistic talent. ;)


sorry if this has come up before but the search function isn't currently working.


i look forward to hearing what people think. thanks a bunch.



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Guest Robert

Pha wookie jedi and gungan jedi its stupid so thay are not putting it in (wookie jedi! Hhaha) my vote you dont get!!!:mad:

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Guest Supreme Warlord

I remeber reading somewhere that humans has better chance of being force sentitive than others. So that would explain why most of them are human jedi. However I would like to see other species jedi like the wookie. This got my vote but this wont polly happen.

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Originally posted by Supreme Warlord

I remeber reading somewhere that humans has better chance of being force sentitive than others. So that would explain why most of them are human jedi. However I would like to see other species jedi like the wookie. This got my vote but this wont polly happen.



you're probably right, but even if LA isn't going to do it, isn't there any mod group out there i could contact regarding this matter?


and is it even within the power of moders to make this change? not sure about how modifiable swgb is.


i can always hope. ;)



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  • 2 weeks later...

I personally don't want alien jedi in the races mentioned. I would think that those races without jedi should have some other serious benefit in their place.

I don't think the game is totally balanced in this respect. I really wish LA would make the modifers for each race an ini file. Then the community could do their own tweaking and probably come up with a much better delinination between the races in the game.


Just thinking, perhaps these races could be the only ones with bounty hunters.

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Eh, maybe, but probably NOT the races that the civ IS.


Remember what Gaber said. The Jedi are like the Bounty Hunters, they're not really part of the civ at all. Instead, the civ HIRES the bounty hunters, and the Jedi/Sith help out the civ. Were Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon actually affiliated with the Naboo? No, they serve the Republic, or at least the Jedi Order. Were the Sith actually part of the Trade Federation? Not really.


We could have random races coming out of the Jedi Temples (which, if you notice are the same for all of the civs..) just like how they did Male/Female villies in AoK. But really, it doesn't matter!

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I think it's a good idea to either have random Jedi/Sith or depending on the race having that race have it's own Jedi. One thing though is if you remember Jedi rarely get to go to thier homeworld because of the whole emotional thing if they ever saw there parents and they got scared that they might die. Then the Sith there were only two at all times, a master and an apprentice, but I guess that was broken when the Empire put in Dark Jedi into his service. Any way maybe each civ should have it's own Jedi/Sith but not of it's own species like maybe the Gungans would get someone who looks like Plo Kloon, a Kel Dor, and the Wookies get someone who looks like Saesee Tin, a Iktotchi. Although a Gungan charging at a trooper saying "Mesa gonna chop yousa up okday" sounds pretty funny. Either way you got my vote! :lsduel::wookiee::jarjar:

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It has been stated before that using different jedi would be difficult. If you look at it from a programing and code writing side, the untis they have now are enough. To have to develop new units, even random ones, would make the release of a patch or expansion pack take a loooong time.


I think that the way they have it set up now is just fine. To make it any other way would just be a cosmetic option and a waste of time.


I would like to see the jeid deflect blaster bolts with their light sabers. That would be something! Or make them convert units, like troopers and medics FASTER!


Changing the cosmetics would be nice, yes, but overall a waste of time! Make some changes that matter, not those that will please a minority!



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