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Daily Terror attacks on israel...STARTING to get on my nerves...


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Regardless of whether he's Arab or not, I still think it's awful, people die everyday because of idiots who take their religion way to seriously, to the point it's obsessive.


I don't get the whole story, but come off it, fighting over a pice of land? Hello? There's more important things in life than some city (OK, I know to the Jewish people Jeruselem is not 'some city')


People are dying everyday, and for what? A piece of land? Come off it, that's pathetic

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Me thinks Feral has gone missing, I think we should start a world-wide search for Feral, kinda like Where's Wally or Waldo whatever people call him (personally Australia calls him Wally, but other countries call him Waldo, I honestly think Waldo sounds like a dogs name, but oh well...) And you know how I know he's gone missing? Look at foolish world :p hasn't been updated since mid March ;):p

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Yep, it's Wally here too....not that anyone can read this, so I can type whatever I want....

BananananananananananaRAMA!!! AHAHAHA! Vicars and thumbs with a large peanut! Hehehehe....*skips off madly*











*hits the wall*

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hey, i'll find it intersting, i always find things interesting. if i can find license plates on numerouse automobiles interesting, then i can find FFWF interesting, whatever that is.


whoah, did i just share too much?:confused:

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