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An ATAT stupid question!


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Hmm Good Question, Though i could swear that i have seen my assault mechs firing as they go in dropping Troops off.

But i could be wrong.


And to add to the thread.

do any of you think that maybe some more animations should be added or the units should attack while moving?

Such as fighters swooping around and firing rather than just hovering, or AT-AT's walking slowly forward firing on and killing anything that moves?

Oh and just one more thing. In force commander (Yes i bought it, and in fact once i played it a few times came to enjoy it) Units had speacial firing options like AT-AT's firing with maxium fire power. Should this be added to GB?

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oooh I dunno about the At-Ats getting a choice on how much power to fire with, no real point, everyone would have it on full, and that's maybe a little too much to consider when playing.


As for fighters swooping and firing, yes but if it was to be done it should only be after you have set a patrol path, the last thing I want it to have my 6 tie fighers dogfighting some x wings and then following them down the bottom of the screen to get lost.


Some units should attack when moving yes (if the don't already - which I don't think they do)


Nothing above would make the game amazingly better - and likewise not having the above doesn't take away the quality of the game, we just have to make exceptions and deal with them. Anything like that added in would just be a bonus.

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Guest Frogspit

They Stop but... generaly one shot destroy small units so that if they are on their way, it's like if they don't really stop...


My english s...x but You got me don't ya? ;)


Anyway ATAT Units looks soooo great!

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Guest Frogspit

Yeah You're right WC_heavyarms :(


However if they are in agressive mode without target order

they will track multiples target by their own.

I mean one y one yes :(


(I start to dream about game features in the office... this mean it have been too long without playing so time to reach home and play ;)

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I understand what you mean by saying choosing the firepower would be a bit micromanagemant. However that is not what i meant, I meant for units some anyway to have a speacial attack option but one that you have to wait to recharge. ie: Starcraft the Yamato Cannon on ye olde spacecruiser.

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