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Nearing FIFTY THOUSAND posts

Guest Boba Rhett

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Guest Boba Rhett

Wow. I'm truly amazed. I can't believe we've come this far in such a short time. For the oldies here, remember back when there wasn't even 1000 or even 100 or even 50? ahhhhh, memories...


We've been averaging around 450 posts a day. :eek:


*starts playing song, "Memories"*

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Wow. I'm truly amazed. I can't believe we've come this far in such a short time. For the oldies here, remember back when there wasn't even 1000 or even 100 or even 50? ahhhhh, memories...


We've been averaging around 450 posts a day. :eek:


*starts playing song, "Memories"*


Yeah, the good ole days when we had around 15 members. Ahh nostalgia....


Anyways, we have been growing in leaps and bounds lately it seems. It took us a couple of months to get to 50,000, i wonder how long it will take us to get to 100,000...

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well ill post as much on a school day as i do on hols

i realize that my posting like a mad man which started in my 100 post has stopped and i have gained wisdom with expereance


Darthfergie- my average thread count since the day u told me is less than half a thread per day:D


well now here i am never to leave these forums always will i stay here and contribute to the forums i will:D

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You know i came to this site every day from the beginning i just never became a memeber.


I rememebr when Paragon Leon ony had 10 posts and you guys were discussing setting up the forum. I remember the first post. It was the form opening, and i believe that Sherack Nar posted it. And thats when everybody came. And flourished. I came back to this site after the 1st preview and i was pretty amazed actually, so kudos to the pioneers.:)










:bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2:

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Guest Sherack Nhar

*wipes tear*

Stop it people, I hate feeling like this!


I believe the very first post on this forum was from Aristotle or Garry Gaber himself. I remember the first day as if it was yesterday... With all 15 members trying to get the last post on a thread... and Rogue15 starting a topic about himself going to bed...


*wipes another tear*

Argh, damn you Rhett for starting a thread like this...

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Well, when the forums launched, it was a very small, intimate community. Rules weren't really clear, and I was the only active mod :)


I found some of the first threads that were posted on the board! Note the time and date these topics were posted. Take a look, newbies:

In the Galactic Discussion Forum:

Here's Spaff, a Mixnmojo staffer, goofing off as usual (hey, it's Canoli!! He should've stayed...he would be a good poster):



And there's Garry Gaber, posting the official welcoming message:



In the Off-Topic forum:

Rogue15, awed by the board's features:



Again, Rogue15, stating his aspirations for the future (note Tie Guy's post - Rhett wasn't a mod at the time!):



Finally, quite a bit later, Rommel's spamming debuts :) (Please note that Leon and Rhett weren't mods at that time):



Such great memories... *holds back a third tear*

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you know you shouldnt be crying(jk) abt this

you should be happy abt how fast it has developed and how much its progress has been

50000 posts thats good work guys

and the mods here are excellent and thanks to the other mods our man sherakh can relax a bit now

i overall think these forums are great


and is rogue 15-= kioet ksuhen

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Yeah, that's Rogue15. He requested a name change recently.


It's true, the board developed faster than we thought it would... but I miss the old and small community.


Oh well, when LucasConsoles.com launches, it'll be the same all over again!

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Guest WC_heavyarms

I came when I was surfing one day at Jedi Outcast... then I saw something called galactic battlegrounds on lucasarts.com. I then saw the link to here, and I joined in. I have been here since. I think I have gained SOME popularity here, haven't I? Right?

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by darthfergie


I came in when Tie Guy was at oh...about 650 posts I think...maybe more...I even still have my first avatar:D


I still remember it well ferg. You had that one for quite a while in the beginning. I remember you came in a little late and started posting like crazy, neither of us do that now.


Oh, and notice the lack seriousness and informativity (???) of the old posts. Its much different now, i guess thats what having 4 regular mods on the board does to a forum. ;)

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Thrawn

WOW! "Rommie Wommy"?! LMAO!!! WOW! HAHAHA! THose days musta been. . . different!


It was an inside joke at the time...

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