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Bizzarre Dueling Habits (4/2/02)


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When playing Jedi Knight II MP, what type of strategy do you use? Perhaps you are a more defensive Jedi? Maybe you run and gun? Or are you one of those people who utilize dueling styles like the Ninja Gaiden or the Super Mario? lFeign has written a column describing such moves. His column, Bizarre Dueling Habits: A Look into Jedi Knight II Multiplayer, has been added to our features section.


Bizzare Dueling Habits: A look into Jedi Knight II Multiplayer


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I differ in styles, but i generally only use force if someone else does, apart from jump & saber throw....


But some guy yesterday, had this really horrible strategy, he kept chasing me round, smacking me with his saber until i died :( GIT! thats the worst thing about being killed by someone using no force, you can't call them names!! lol, cause they are too damned good! :)


PS: Anyone notice how many thouands of online plyers use Dessan's skin with heavy saber stance!! lol :)

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i like the standard force speed/fast lightsaber stance the best. though i don't always win. a lot of jumping with the medium stance looks really cool, but that doesn't always help you win either.


the utter cowards technique, however, is a nice bet. where you basically wait for the opponent to take a swing or jump, and then force pull him to the ground. whereupon thy lightsaber shouldst maim and slash thy enemy until his last gaspe for air fuels his screame of death.


it works with tavion in the pit, anyway.

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Depends on how the person I'm fighting is dueling.


Though the most fun multiplayer duel I've been in ended with the Ninja Gaiden style ending (only in medium stance for me). It was kinda funny because we had a clash, rolled away, turned to face each other. We ran, jumped at the same time and then did the saber strike. Was great fun, even if I died. Luke landed in a crouch, another jedi defeated (why was luke killing light jedi? :) )



One of my favorite techniques (it doesn't work all the time though, and I've never been able to use it in an actual challenged duel or on a duel servor) is when you land and then roll so you're right in front of someone and then push them back into a corner with charging light stance attacks. It's just cool looking at it as you push them back, and you usually deal more damage then you receive.

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I like to use the crouch roll to get under the enemy swing and hit him from behind. I think that when you have no force powers and just lightsabers (my favorite) and the two people are good (in duel mode) that the fight will probably last a while and look awesome. But i have had problems with serving. How do you host a non dedicated server on the internet? Every time i host it says the address is local host. I just want to play other people by my rules and I can't even do it! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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So I had this chicken once who loved to fight the geese. He would run a post pattern ending when he couldn't run anymore in a mad flight of fury. There was pecking and quacking everywhere. And of course always I had enough feathers for my pillows and bed.


Now one day my chicken encountered a rather dispicable goose. He posted like my chicken but stopped short and started to spit. Now of course my chicken was taken aback. Everytime my chicken tried to peck the goose would spit. Now imagine my surprise when my chicken jumped up and shot an egg out at the goose while over its head. Kersplat and some such. Well the goose was beside itself with quacking and it then turned and pelleted my chicken when it landed. Now that just added insult to injury. Alas it was too much for my chicken.


So I took it home, washed it and ate it.

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Im a bullfighter (med stance, dodge and slash), but I also tend to have a bout at being a spinning monkey (light and force speed) when some ones using red stance.


I also am a push whore. I dont care if its to no use, if some ones jumping I push them just to mess them up. All is fair in love and war.

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I use a good mix of offense and defense...and a combo of push and pull. Works good.


WHAT I HATE...are the guys that just run around SPINNING with their lightsaber...sure it works, but it's no fun...it's just annoying because I want to have an actual duel with someone that KNOWS more than one move :)

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Originally posted by ZeroXcape

Let us know what you think! [/b]


That was an amazing article. Now we need to comfront the issue of those drain/lightning bastards that think pressing one button over and over involves more skill than a good old fasioned saber duel (silly tactics or not). :D

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I use the same flawless strategy I use in SP. I swing and jump like a mad man, keep my Lightsabre on MEDIUM and use two key force powers; grip and push. This strategy allows me to take down about 4 guys at a time...I drop down, slash away, sometimes throwing my sabre at one guy while gripping another guy then do a 360 spin on both of them.

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My duelling style rocks.. Guy approaches me, pulls out saber, I pull out saber, he runs at me, I sidestep, pull out repeater drill him in the back, I win wohoo!!


No only kidding..


I use medium style and just look for openings.. Getting better at it.



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