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the force isn't with luke


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the game is to be say 50 years or so since jedi and luke is still wearing the same outfit and style's his hair the same 80's fashion. I don't think so. would he not have gotten longer hair and a new cooler out fit.


Could you guys have gotten Mark Hamill to do voice overs, I mean he has do other games before and I am sure if you asked him he would come over and do some voice overs, as i am sure he would love to make some extra money out of star wars.


this was the biggist let down of the game, you may as well never even had luke in the game.

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FYI, the Feedback forum is to "Give the JKII.net staff members your thoughts on both the site and these forums." This forum is more for technical issues, complaints, and suggestions, not telling Raven what to do. So this will probably be moved.


But I want to get my two cents in. First of all, the game isn't 50 years after RotJ. I personally have no problem with characters looking like they always did, either--it makes you really feel like you're in the Star Wars galaxy.


As for Hamill not doing the voice, it's just too bad. In a perfect world, it would've happened. Be happy that they got Billy Dee to do Lando's voice! I also thought that Luke's voice acting was dead on anyway. And if the fact that Luke's voice was the biggest let down of a game... I think that's really saying something. Raven did a great job.

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Welcome to the forums. :) Here...*hands over a chocolate Jedi Medallion* There you go. ;)


Yes, if you read the manual, it says, "Nine years after avenging his father's death...", which was at the end of Jedi Knight, which took place approximately around the time of Return Of The Jedi. So, it's only been 8 or 9 years since those events. People are free to wear what they like, I say, and maybe Luke's become a compulsive excessive with his wardrobe. :D


I thought the actor who voiced Luke did a good job, actually. It would have been nice to have Hamill do it himself...but then, you have to realise his voice has changed, and he would not have sounded exactly the same, in a similar way that Billy Dee Williams did not sound exactly like the Lando we all remembered from ESB/ROTJ.


Anyway, as OnlyOneCanoli has indicated, the Feedback forum is for issues regarding the site and the forums, so I'll move this over to the Valley. ;)

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On the orignial topic of the clothes look at what Obi wan war for a long itme. although it is a 'jedi robe', it shows that people where thing s for ages. Also coming to think of it Luke probably had the most costume changes in the original trilogy. Also how look doesnt wear a 'jedi robe'.

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What the heck does a jedi in the light care for fashion!? He's spending all of his free time meditating and improving his affinity for the force. You don't see buddhist monks giving a crap about keeping up with the latest trends in shiny denim ( which I think is absolutely atrocious btw). Funny though dude...


I imagine the point, in reality, is that since his face isn't going to be picture perfect, they want a costume that makes him immediately identifiable as Luke Skywalker.


I was actually suprised with the voice work they did for Luke. They managed to get a guy who sounded pretty close to Hammil. The actor had his voice inflection down pretty well. I say, good job, Raven!


Maybe they'll come out with an update patch that replaces Luke's current lines with Mark Hammil's voice... similar to what they did with Geri Ryan in Elite Force? ;)



Speaking of voice work, I noticed the name Dominic Armato in the credits... he was the voice of Guybrush Threepwood wasn't he? I LOVE Monkey Island.

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Hamill sure has done alot of voice work. Don't forget Hamill also did the voice of the Joker on the Batman cartoon. He's got quite a voice-over resume. Maybe his price is to high? And yes, he should not have said Damn, seems very out of character.



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LOL @ Navaros! Protest until they patch it haha. :p


I thought the actor that did Luke did really well. Sounded pretty much like him to me. I still agree that he shouldn't have said "damn". He'd hump the emporer's wrinkled corpse sooner than say damn.

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You can hardly tell the difference between the voices neway, and the fact that i've been away playing a great game for quite a while (guess what game :p) so i can't single handedly hand out newbie spoon replica welcome gifts so i'll just leave a big sack of spoon replicas for all the newbies and if you take one and you're not a noob to here then take it at your own risk


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Originally posted by StormHammer


Yes, if you read the manual, it says, "Nine years after avenging his father's death...", which was at the end of Jedi Knight, which took place approximately around the time of Return Of The Jedi. So, it's only been 8 or 9 years since those events. People are free to wear what they like, I say, and maybe Luke's become a compulsive excessive with his wardrobe. :D


maybe he can't afford new clothes...how much does a jedi master get paid these days anyway? not a lot as i recall....besides...i dont think he cares what he looks like =)

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Originally posted by thrEEpaGe


maybe he can't afford new clothes...how much does a jedi master get paid these days anyway? not a lot as i recall....besides...i dont think he cares what he looks like =)


What do ya mean how does he get paid! he owns a jedi academy ! training ain't cheap

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He also did the hobgoblin's voice in Spiderman (animated).


I just hope Mark isn't burnt out on Star Wars like Sir Alec was...


"When I die, I don't want to be remembered as Obi Wan Kenobi, but as..." yatta yatta...


Or it could be a tight budget... I mean the recent stuff with Episode 1 and the games about Episode 1 are best described as...


"I feel as though millions of voices all cried out in terror, then were suddenly silenced - I fear something terrible has happened"


he must have lost a bit on that... like 1 of bill gate's paychecks worth of money =P *rimshot*

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Originally posted by Gotgrog


What do ya mean how does he get paid! he owns a jedi academy ! training ain't cheap


Well Kyp Durron and Zek (from the young jedi knights series) grew up in slums and they sure don't have enough money to pay for Luke's services.


But anyways, I think Courscant funds the Jedi anyways.

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Luke gets paid in Karma, where as all the good he does gets reflected back to him, and an overall sense of peace. That's a good thing. Besides, nobody would ever charge him for anything in the Extended Universe. They flock to him arse over tit just to say "Hey, Master Skywalker."


Bob Bergun's the name of the dude behind Skywalker's voice in JK2, and he's played Luke in lots of other SW games as well - his most popular being Rogue Squadron for the PC and Nintendo 64.


And Luke saying "damn", that's fine by me. I've read 29 Star Wars books so far, and I've read him saying curses countless times. He's an adult now. And it's "damn", not the F-word or nonesense like that. If you read enough books, you'd let it slide as staying in character.


Good job, Bob. Forget about Mark.


And may Luke say "Damn" for as long as he wants!!

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The Gabriel Knight series were the best games I ever played. I'm glad somebody else knows of those classics. Mark Hamill was great in the first Gabriel Knight game. He also did voiceovers for Batman: the Animated Series, and Batman Beyond as the Joker. He was really great in those too.

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Well if you think, the role that has made him famous has typecast him. He has never done another good film after SW. All casting people know that one look at him and people think hes going to start moving rocks..


I'd be a little annoyed. Thats one of the problems with being an unknown and then make it big in one film



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Luke, in the Expanded Universe wears those black clothes the whole time. I believe his hair changes alittle, but who cares. It looks like look alot and even his hilt is different from everyone elses...if you look at it. though he only wore one glove......


I think the actor did a great job. he sounded like the rogue squadron and Shadows of the empire guy.

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