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official skins-

Pol Favre

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is there a date set or even any plans for the release of official skins? or are they leaving it up to skinners?

i think som official-quality star wars universe skins are in order. i was shocked by the lack of them.


i think more ghost skins would rock >D

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Jerec would be pretty nice too... but





















(just kidding - he's dead.)








Anakin and Yoda use two lightsabers through most of the movie, I wonder if Lucasarts is holding that mode back - you know these guys are notorious for hiding info.. (look at rogue squadron - that naboo fighter code)

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The skins that should be added are:


Vader, Han, Leia, Obi-Wan (old), Boba Fett, and maybe a few others.


There really shouldn't be a young Obi-Wan or Darth Maul, it really doesn't fit in with the rest of the game. Besides Vader looks 20x cooler than Maul.

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yeah peeps i no that raven could of put some of the extra skins/models in but think of how much time this might of taken.


what would you prefer ?


1. having the skins in that you would of wanted most(which you probably would want more of anyhow) and it taking an extra week to get un buggyfied.




2.Getting some decent skins and room for improvement and having the game at the time it was released.


personally i take the latter.

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Like I said, there's gonna be an influx of sweet models once Raven releases their JK2 tools. Just gotta be patient... I bet the first week we'll see at least three Vaders and five Mauls. (Hell, there's two Maul skins now...)


And I agree. I dig Maul and all, but Vader would rock. OH! And someone could write a Vaderbot personality, so when you play against a Vader bot, he doesn't charge all around slashing and running backwards like a dumbass.

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I'm totally for having cool skins like Vader and Han, BECAUSE i think that these games, in MP, shouldn't have to reside inside the SW timeline - how cool would fighting Darth Maul as Darth Vader be! However, i don't think it's reasonable to say "yeah, have classic trilogy characters, but NOT "new" trilogy characters, because the new trilogy characters don't 'fit'". If you're gonna be pedantic, none of the characters in any of the films as they are in the films will fit into the game, because they have all gotten older since RotJ, and a large number of them are dead! Boba Fett is with respect to the films (yes, i know he comes back in the bounty hunter series, but that's not canon), Vader is, the Emperor is, and Yoda is. I'm all for having these characters in the game, but trying to justify their inclusion with respect to the SW universe is impossible - they have to just go in because it's fun to have them there.




m.d.c :fett:

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i couldn't believe they didnt include a vader skin!


Vader is the reason behind the whole starwars storyline


a proper proffesionally (raven) released Vader skin would rock so hard with proper sounds and the flashing chest plate that someone already mentioned.


"you underestimate the power of the darkside"


that would rock



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Originally posted by Darth Sane

Jerec would be pretty nice too... but





















(just kidding - he's dead.)








Anakin and Yoda use two lightsabers through most of the movie, I wonder if Lucasarts is holding that mode back - you know these guys are notorious for hiding info.. (look at rogue squadron - that naboo fighter code)



yes, but were not talking about sp, we are talking multiplayer, and as far as i know, when we engage in multi, there is no story line, hence light fighting light, dark vs. dark, etc......


hmm i sense no disturbance in the storyline.

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im sure there'll be a host of nice user created skins, but...i mean it's not the Sims. unless really good skinners and modelers devote time and effort into it, the skins are still going to have that home made look.


the first on my list is Han Solo. in all my jedi-dreaming days, he was my hero. my original Jedi character was a jedi merc' like Katarn, who dressed like Han.


I just hope they put out the expansion QUICKLY -_-

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Darth Vader would've been cool, but there's the Shadowtrooper model which I think is pretty cool and similar in style to Vader.


Nevermind Boba Fett, I want to see Jango Fett because he looks cooler I think :jango::fett:


Also, a darker version of the Jedi would be cool, like the Jedi head on the shadowtrooper's body. He'd be a lightside character though.

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Hey, I've been in support of a Yoda model from the start. I agree it would be awesome to have the mini guy running circles around the other jedi, schooling them as to how ass-kicking is done. Definitely needs his own model though. Although I wonder if Yoda was always so short or if he was once taller in his younger years.

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Originally posted by Navaros

Here are the necessary models/skins that Raven screwed up the game royally by not including, in order of importance:


Darth Maul

Boba Fett

Darth Vader

Why Maul? ^.^ He's all gimmicks and show. And no they did not screw up, all you seem to be able to say about JO is bad stuff. Is there one thing about the game that you DO like? But anywho, they didn't screw up because those characters are well.... dead by the time JO takes place. (altough Fett is debatable) )

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for a cool dark jedi skin, drop the console during multiplay and type /model jedi/j2


i have it bound to mp E. it's an awesome jedi with dark shirt and brown pants.


there's a Yoda model listed under the model list in the console, but i can't find a way to activate it.

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In MoTS, Vader's cloak was just this big piece that floated behind him. Wasn't the best think in the world, but it WAS Vader.


I'm not sure how to create these things...that why I just make suggestions. :)

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