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THE POST YOU HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR... DS finally played against Nexsis and...

Guest Lord Tirion

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Guest Lord Tirion

3 Nexsis Members were on the zone, Xizor, Techno Baron and myself and long and behold, good ol' Viper pops up and jumps into a game we were hosting. I thought to myself, "Is he actually going to manage the guts to finally play Nexsis?" Sure enough he left the game and said he will be back in a few hours with a teamate. And surprisingly, he kept his word and showed up with 2 buds to play against us. And sure enough, he was talking smack through as we were picking civs.


The game starts and the first message we get is "YOU GUYS SUCK!". Of course we laughed at it and started to play. And just my luck, Viper was closest to me so I got to take him on 1 on 1 while my teamates were taking on his partners. Lets just say about 8 mins later, Viper was homeless running through the bottom portion of the map begging us to take it easy on him LOL! I looked over to see how my teamates were doing and they too had destroyed DS's bases, forcing his partners to resign early lol. But the funny part was, Viper's town consisted of:



1 shield


3 turrets


1 airbase


1 fortress


1 command center


1 troop center


1 power core



and thats about it... and then came my 24 AT-ATs with 35 AT-STs along with some troop support into his town expecting a well defended town..


It just goes to show you, Viper was always just talk and nothing else. Maybe next time he decides to talk smack against a clan, he should learn to build faster...


P.S. After the game was over, we came back out into the game room and he was kissing our arse asking how we got so good and that we are awesome LOL!


So I simply replied..."Na.. we suck..." ;)

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dont forget the part where you anilated me into the ground, and how you(and especially barren whooped my teammates. THe reason I went down was because of my team I would like to play you again with a DS member named Hannibal he makes short work of all people

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Guest Lord Tirion

I mostly play on the zone now with my clanmates playing DM. But I still occassionly play ip if I am helping out a fellow Nexsis member with some strats or tips.

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