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the last boss.... *SPOILERS*


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what gives? I beat him on my first try, in less than 20 seconds!!Am I the only one? I was playing on medium... and i just used force speed and slashed him in the side.. plus the ending is so cheap! The rest of the game was so damn good why did they crap out on the last little bit??? What a let down... :(

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There is just no pleasing some people.


I beat him on my 3rd try and I'm glad

he wasnt very hard. Normally when a game company cant produce quality AI they resort to having the enemys cheat and thats one thing I cant stand.


The true test of your skill was the whole game not just the end boss.


I used to think that if a game didnt have a good ending it was crap. I cant tell you how many old Nes games I played and beat and the only thing it said was thanks for playing.


Now I realize that you have to see the game as a whole.


Could the ending have been better? Maybe

but the true achievement is that I couldnt put the game down

from start to finish.

Kinda Reminds me Of Tie Fighter.

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yeah i agree with you, even with the ending the game overall was really really fun, I just expected something better for an ending, like look at the rest of the game, the story is awesome and everything makes sense... but i don tunderstand how he just walks away fomr the boss... i thought it was a trick or something, like desann would get back up and you would have to fight him again. But it was so cut and dry, like they just rushed it or something. I just wanted to know if nayone else thought the same thing.

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go fight him again, if your not on the super easy mode then you should die the majority of the time unless you exploit some bug or AI issue, or are super skilled with the lightsaber. I die alot of the time on Jedi Knight difficulty mode. I do agree though that tavion was more fun to fight because she dodged more and used force powers a little more effectively.

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The ending was ok, I really thought that maby you would fight tavion agian before fighting desane. They should have made desane like vanish in a cloud of energy like they made jerec in the first jedi knight. Since desane use the vally of the jedi power. The ending kinda leaves it open for another game, since kyle said that maby he would return and continue his training at the academy maby you can take control of him agian and take him through the whole training process, that would be real cool, then later a new enemy will emerge. Just a thought, what do you all think?

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Reply to Deepeyes:

Your idea is very good indeed. The end could have been better but now I am trying to beat it on Jedi Master. Talk about tough. Think it would be cool to control him while he is training again and to go on other missions for the third installment.To tie in with the books or something. But it is still one of the best games I have ever played in along long time. (My opinion)

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I beat him quite easily on difficulty setting 4 out of 5... I placed 5 'laser turrets' in a rough semi-circle around me and then activated 5 drones. I hit Force Speed as he got close and attacked him hard. He couldn't defend against everything!;)

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He was really easy if u used that temporary Invincibility where u force pull the 2 switches, and quite easy with force speed, but if u don't use those and fight u will get killed quite easily.

It was really annoying how he constantly force gripped/pulled/pushed u and u couldn't counter.

I have to agree Tavion was a more fun oponent.

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Well, I played the game on Jedi setting and I thought the last boss was nuts. His grip/push/pull force combo that you NEVER resisted and could not counter was ridiculous.


Caveat: I did not know about the invincibility thing until I read the hint book after beating the game. I will try him again by using the 10 second invincibility thing.


As for using drones and turrets: IMHO, that is a cheap ass way to beat him. I wanted to beat the last boss in a jedi to jedi duel. Sabers and force powers only.


Actually, what I would really like to see is a battle against Desann with just sabers and no force powers. His force powers seemed totally out of balance imho.


When we were just fighting with sabers, I handled him easily. The only problem I had was that he was jerking me all over the screen with incredible ease. I never resisted him and could never counter his moves no matter what I did (stand still, use force push whenever he raised his hand, etc).

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How I did it


In two moves- no joke :)


1 Stand Above Desan and move Saber to Strong


2. Force Jump Down to him, and just hit attack at the right time,


3. Dessan goes to strike back, misses, you cut him in half,


4. Do upward slash and voila hes dead.


Or Just know some pillars on top of him and dies like instantly :)

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yeah i was playing on the 'medium' skill level.. i dont know what its called... and i didnt use the saber hack or anything... just beat him on my first try, all he could do i knock me down, then i picked up my saber, turned on force speed and swiped him in the side... it was the easiest boss in the game... even the first reborn was harder for me. But oh well the rest of the game kicked ass


/me is dreaming about an expansion pack....

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I didn't have to use any of the cheap strategies listed above to kill him on Jedi mode.. I fought him regularly until he left himself open, then Pushed him to the ground and hit him with a heavy swing. Two of those plus a couple hits inbetween and he was dead. Tavion was even easier using the same strategy.


I'm going to play it through again on Jedi Master eventually, maybe they'll be harder...

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i thought he was hard but i was faintly dissapointed because it was a fast fight. the first time he killed me really fast, the second time i just used force speed hacked and slashed i then used push and knocked him down. after that i just ran up to him in the over the head slash dealy and he died. this all took place on the top level where i started. i just wish that when you sued speed he would too or something so that it wasnt so effective.i think ill try him on the hardest difficulty.

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I thought he was pretty hard i was playing on normal and it took me about 20 mins to kill him, he kept on push/pull/grip/lightning me and there was no way to defend against it, especially grip which his was very powerful and you couldn't push him it was rediculous but i just used a combo of strong swings and fast strings by switching lightsaber styles in battle and eventually killed him.

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I TRIED the fountain of Force, but it became to much, and didn't last long.


"SCREW THAT... Taste light, mother..."


I hit force speed, had heal at the rady, and used light swings like it was goin' outta style. rinse, repeat. That guy almost had me, and took 15 minutes of that, with a good 15 BEFORe trying to use the frickin fountain.


one badd ass. but Tavion was more fun.

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