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Ugli fruit is nice. But the best citrus fruit is orange...mmmm....orange....

You see, Comt, topics often go downhill/off topic like this, so before it does, I'll just say Welcome to the board, and I hope you have an enjoyable stay. Heck, I've been here almost 2 years :)

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Originally posted by NiKo

Aloha, *puts flowers around comts neck*


*dances around in hoola skirt*


*Shudders uncontrolably* Bad....images


Anyways, Welcome! Feel free to talk to me on AIM: Fervivious

YIM: Strike_You_Down

Visit me and Yoha's forum: Monkey Mountain Forums


Here is MMF fruit basket, as you'll notice, it is 3 times as big as EscapeMI's and has cheese! *Bends down and whispers in Comt's ear* You are a cheeser, right? Good, I'm not!

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