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Swift Kick To The Face!


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Originally posted by Swamp




i don't know your talkin about, maybe the pressing jump when you run up to someone and you kick off their face?





Exactly what I'm talking about. In my opinion, coolest attack EVER in any FPS game.



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I found the backflip to be useful only in evasion of one lightsaber weilding opponent. The thing is, it looks cool, it works well, but only if there's no one behind you because it doesn't let Kyle jump very high, and if he can clear people with it, there is a very small window of opportunity.

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Today I was in a dueling server watching the two go at it, and one of them does a move that looks like he's about to do a backflip, but he ends up flipping back forward and slashing to the ground. It looked awesome, but maybe I'm on crack or something

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I am the master of the kick. Sometimes when I get bored in Duel mode I turn off my lightsaber and try to kick them to death; I've won entire duels start to finish this way(though usually against newbies) and they're always none too happy about it. It's also a poor man's alternative to Push, so you can even use it against a Drainer who catches you unaware.

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Originally posted by SaberPro

It's more like a backflip, performed off your enemy...


If you can kick in JO...why not Tiger Uppercut?! :D

Hehe, I wish you can Tiger Uppercut.

It is a kick, not a backflip, but it looks like a backflip.

If you kill someone with it, it'll say Jedith killed SaberPro with a Swift Kick to the face! something like that :p

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