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The verdict is up will i be banned or not heres the answer!

Delphi's Clone

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Ok guys a drumroll please ............................



:( and the virdict is a temporary bann of 2 weeks sherak nahr told me oh well at least it's not for ever....... :D


i have toi say thank you guys for not permanetly banning me your verdic was just and fair.


so if you guys dont see me these 2 weeks dont worry i'll be back i hope..... and if i'm not back in 2 week's than the moderators have *cough*forgotten *cough* to unbann me.......... lol oh well see you guys soon



Your's truely


Delphi's Clone if you want to stay in contackt with me send me an E-mail at realypk@yahoo.com

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they already decided hehe and thanks flyboy c ya soon


Delphi's Clone over and out for 2 weeks


this is huston we roger that over


bye bye guys i hope they dont forhget to unbann me hehe bye





and just incase they do forget you guys were cool and this is one of the best sorums on the net guys i hope you keep it that way DONT FOLLOW MY WAY......... at least i learned my lesson keep these bords the best till i'm back ok?i'll be happy to see you guys you were he best that goes even to the people that dont like me MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU (join the darkside lol)

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Guest Sherack Nhar
Originally posted by Kioet Csuhen

oh please. i remember when they said they were going to ban me, i acted JUST LIKE u are now, and i didn't get banned. heh.

We can always correct that mistake, if you wish.
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