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Jedi Knight III


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Do you think there is enough life left in the JK series to make a Jedi Knight III in the near future? Obviously not this year, but maybe late 2003 or early 2004 or something.


Personally I would love a 3rd installment but since he prooved he can now resist the dark side, it would rock if he had is full powers at the start of the game or at least low levels of all the powers at the start.


Perhaps initially set on Yavin at the academy after a few years of Kyle being trained properly (he never really got formal training - it was all self-taught) by luke and the other trainers. As for the story line beyond that (something would need to happen or it would be boring having kyel sit around the acedemy all the game) i have no idea but it would obviously involve dark jedi. Tavion could have some role in it too - maybe as a light jedi (if it is set a few years after JO2 maybe Kyle or luke could have helped her to turn to the light side. it is possible since kyle showed her mercy maybe that would be the point she started to turn light?)


As you see it is only a rough idea in my mind at the moment but I reckon it would be pretty good. What do you people out there think?


ps: I know Dark Forces is the first of the series. But I am refering to how the last two games are "Jedi Knight" games. eg:

1 Jedi Knight : Dark Forces 2

2 Jedi Knight 2 : Jedi Outcast

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I'm no big fan of the stories of Dark Forces/Jedi Knight, and I definately don't like Kyle... Jan on the other hand...


I'd rather be playing as Luke Skywalker, and work my way up to a battle with Darth Vader. Talk about FUN. :D Of course, mabey we'll see that with some mods, but it wont be good quality like Raven's work...


But I'm up for your idea... Tavion has to be doing something, besides sitting on her ass.

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I was thinking a story line in which you have luke and jan follow you through the story perhaps - which mean you can play with 2 other people (3 in total) CO-OPERATIVELY!


A story line where the three of them together undertake. Jan wouldnt be a jedi of course, but she could be the heavy weapons chick. while the other two jedi use only sabres and force (leaving weapons all for jan).


Again I still dont know about the story line other then it starts off with kyle just finished his training at the start of the game. And the three heros get involved in some dark-jedish scheme.




Maybe the Sith have re-emerged? They were thought of to be extinct once before - who knows - they could rise again! They would be harder then before as they were dark jedi - not SITH.




and that could be the game name ?


Jedi Knight III: Rise of the Sith.


also it wouldnt be Jedi Outcast 2 as the jedi outcast was Desan and he is dead.

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Oh and in multiplayer you can choose who plays luke, and jan (of course the role of kyle would need to be the first char selected but the next two can choose which they control. and have a very well A.I'ed bot with excellent AI play luke if no one wants too. (same for jan if no one wants to play her).

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i read this in another post, a storyline based on the child of jan and kyle. i think this would be a pretty good idea for the next installment. it can be put in place after the new jedi order series and the kid would be in his/her teens at least. this way the game would be able to start you out with no force powers. and maybe by the time this game comes out (which i hope it will) they will have thought of a way so you can build a lightsaber in a fps. it would be really fun to go through traditional jedi training as kyle's kid and kyle would be the master. the game could start with both of them on a routine mission diplomatic mission (like old school jedi) then they get split up somehow (like kyle tells the kid stay here while he fights a dark jedi and the kid decides to not listen and take care of the soldiers of the dark jedi trying to take over the city) then a bunch of missions of the kid trying to stop the soldiers, which include reborn. after which the kid won't be able to sense kyle and the kid goes seeking revenge. and finds the dark jedi who trapped kyle in a ysalmari (sorry about spelling) field is tavion whose wanting to take revenge on kyle for the humiliating defeat and so on and so on. wow i wonder how many ideas i stole from jk, mots, and jk2?

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If there's going to be another trip to the FPS well in SW, I'd rather see an Imperial campaign set during the galactic civil war. Start as a stormie recruit, advancing up the chain of command, leading squads, occasionally piloting walkers, and eventually being discovered as force-sensitive, by, oh, let's say, Vader. The final stage of the game would have you performing missions as one of the Emperor's Hands.

Just think how cool it was to turn the whole saga around when TIE Fighter came out after X-Wing...love to get a whole game from the Imperial perspective.

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Originally posted by [PoB]ArMAgeDDoN

Id be happy with a JK1 to JO conversion. :)



Aw, man. . . yeah! That would be cool! (?but original force powers need to be restored, though? i.e. sight in single player)


Actually, I'm looking forward to an expansion pack (hopefully). I thought the single player game could've went on for quite a few more levels - it was too quick.


The idea to mirror the XWing/TIE fighter series is cool, but we've already seen the dark side of the force.


I'd like to see at least SOMEbody remake the "hidden" level from MOTS - Luke at bespin, and the duel with Vader (hmm, I couldn't ever get that to work near the end; *scratches head* Can anyone help with that?).

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Kyle should die (or get really ill, maybe poisoned mind by the darkside or something) in the next SP.


Or some type of revenge plot with Jan.


Either that or have a storyline with someone using a mix of forces.


Should also include the JK:DF2 force powers and the JK2:JO force powers into the next installment. As well as reintergrating weapons. Especially the carbon gun.

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Kyle looks mid-30's in JO, so I don't think that hes going to cark it anytime soon. And since he's a Jedi, his life will most definately be prolonged by the force.


I want an expansion pack first.


Jedi Outcast - The Last of Dessann

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No offence but kyle needs to be replaced , he had his 3 games let some one else have a chance. Not luke. I would rather see a female role in a star wars game. I have yet to see in any of the star wars games be a female charactor. (exept mots) with to me never made sence. I would like to see like kyles kid. Or what would be really cool is you could desigen a charactor and then go through the jedi training like kyle is your instructor. But i dont know if i could sit through another one with kyle. i think hes had a little too much adventure for one man.

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I see three obvious choices for a expansion, but I dont think that they could make another one, at least not following the same characters.


1. Tavion comes back, Kyle has to destroy her (*yawn*)

2. Tavion turns from the dark side (There could be some seriously cool plot elements from this. Have her be a dark jedi at first, then shift)

3. Some new jedi comes along (*yawn*)


What I would like to see:

1. A NEW JEDI! Damn it, it gets really tiring to have to keep running around with this bastard child of Obi Wan and Han Solo.

2. Original weapons. Be creative! It doesnt have to ALWAYS comply with stuff seen in the movies. It shocks me that there wasnt one original weapon in this game, everything was the standard shooter weapon except the saber (well actually the EMP gun was pretty original).

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Originally posted by obijonkenobi

Do you think there is enough life left in the JK series to make a Jedi Knight III in the near future? Obviously not this year, but maybe late 2003 or early 2004 or something.



late 2003 or early 2004 ?


thats when maybe an expansion would be appropiate. it is too short of a time period for a company to develop a whole new game with a new engine.


i say expansion first. then many years later. say 2006 or 2008 when again there's a MAJOR step in graphics and everything that lucasarts look into making a new jedi knight based game.


but then i want another star wars space sim !!! and rogue leader doesn't count since it's more "arcade shoot'em up". can't wait til we get graphics that rivals that of the movies.

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Hmm, 2006-2008, by 2005 we will have had Episode 3 in the theatres, so I think that we will see the next SW FPS as a Prequel Trilogy based game. I see that by 18 months time we will have an expansion to JO, so that gets us to late in 2003.


What about the approx 15-20 years that exist between Ep 3 and 4 of the SW saga? There is plenty of room for development for a game in that unexplored part of the SW universe. To be based in a time where you will be fighting a losing battle, perhaps helping setup the beginning of the Rebellion...

Might allow for some story telling of some of the changes from the Republic to the Empire..

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I just hope that most of Raven's team hasn't been reassigned to Quake IV, or SOF2. But if those people are available, then I could see an expansion pak come out in short order. Don't forget that this is Raven that we are talking about. They don't drag their asses like ION or those Duke Nukem 5 years in develpment folks. Since most of the hard work for Jedi has been done (sounds are gathered, lightsaber, force powers, guns are coded, AI is coded, textures drawn), then all they would have to do for a decent expansion pak would be do get the story done, maps made, record new audio, and add the few obligatory but unesessary new weapons, force powers, etc..


Since JO took only about 18 months of developement, I could see them being able to pull something off by Christmas if they ha that desire.


But again, they already have some big project under their roof at this time. At first I was surprised to hear that the Elite Force 2 was being done by Ritual, but after I thought about it, I could see that Activision had Raven already committed to several "A list" games. I just wonder how Raven is structured and how many projects that they can run simultaniously?


I'm just glad to see them really succedding so well after watch so many other shops release only a few games, and then fold up. I guess their sale to Activison was a good thing in the long run. Raven only seems to be getting stronger.



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Well, first of, Raven always works on three projects at once. Once they finish one project, they are (annoyingly :D) quiet about their next project, and when they then finally reveal it, it's usually *jumping up and down in glee* time. :)


I would definitely hope for an expansion pack, and even more definitely for a JK3, but I'm not certain that IF there is an expansion pack, that Raven would do it.. They might, they might not. I believe they did the Star Trek Elite Force expansion pack themselves, but that was really a letdown (way too few levels).


Maybe if LucasArts decides to do an expansion they'll give it to somebody else to handle (which often happens in software land, someone develops an awesome game, then they let somebody else do the expansion pack).


So who knows?


As for JK3, I'm fine with whatever's going to be in it, as long as it features


1) the AWESOME lightsaber combat of JK2, and even expanded (come on guys, we want MORE special moves! :) ).

2) An engine way more advanced than the Q3 engine (yes it's cool, but I want the Unreal Warfare engine, or the Doom 3 engine for the next one).

3) An awesome single player game, as this one did (Hopefully longer? wink wink nudge nudge)

4) NO child of Kyle Katarn. If we'd have a game with the child of Kyle Katarn, the game would be set during the New Jedi Order timeframe, and that series just sucks the sweat of a dead man's *****! I don't want to be running around in a Universe where creatures spawn black holes that only eat lasers (and not the ships around it), where those same creatures can draw ships across the intergalaxial void by pulling on gravity fields that are 200.000 lightyears away, and which can drop moons on planets, and most of all, I don't want to be fighting Drow, excuse me, Yuuzhan Vong that have Tentacle Rods, excuse me, whatever staffs that can block lightsabers, be used as whips, and SPIT POISON at people :swear: :swear: :swear:

(Can you tell that I think the New Jedi Order is the worst thing ever to happen to StarWars, after Jar Jar Binks?)



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Originally posted by toolboi

2. Original weapons. Be creative! It doesnt have to ALWAYS comply with stuff seen in the movies. It shocks me that there wasnt one original weapon in this game, everything was the standard shooter weapon except the saber (well actually the EMP gun was pretty original).


Actually a lot of the guns in JKII are real SW weapons.


You may not know it but the Flechette and Decintegrator actually do exist in SW.


That's that version of the repeater that doesn't. The Concussion Rifle from the last two games never existed in SW. Nor did the Packed Mortar Launcher from Dark Forces.


So it doesn't always comply with the movies.



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