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Vader... work in progress...


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Glad this is a model rather than a skin.


I worry tho that Raven won't release the tooks for another week or more.


What pictures are you using for reference? Basically, the HELMUT makes Darth Vader look good. I recommend pictures from Return of the Jedi.


Helpful criticism...I think his head is a BIT too high.


Good work tho!! Are you planning on doing a cape? His "skirt" looking thing would be PERFECT as well!

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thank you for the reply Nash, good suggestions


I'm using a few different sources, some from the vhs box set art, viewing the trilogy every few days, and i have the program Behind the Magic which has some decent shots

about the head being too high, i'm trying to figure out how to fix that up but i need to get me some more reference images

i do want to do a cape, as for how it will be done, i'll just have to wait and see when the tools are actually out

Perhaps we'll have to ask the guys at Raven if it will be possible for capes to be added to models?

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The pics you're using I believe is the one from 'A New Hope'.


My LEAST favorite Vader costume if you ask me. The helmut looked really odd in that movie.


Use the helmut from either Empire or Jedi and you're golden.


Go here: http://www.sirstevesguide.com


He has TONS of pics of Star Wars figures. Check out the ones for Vader. Lots of good shots. It's all in the Picture Archive.


This is a new model tho right? not a skin?

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What program are you using to make your niiiiffttyyy model?


It looks like it could me 3D max...perhaps Lightwave...maybe even Bryce...Its hard to say : )


Anyways Ive always been good at 3d apps so I wouldn't mind trying to create a few models...but before I do I would want to figure out which app is best to use for jK2.

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for behind the magic, i don't believe there were any blueprints, i'll have to take alook on the disc again, it does have some design sketches on the disc

i used 3d studio max 3 for the model, and i think i know why the model looks a bit thin - the angle isn't that great and the image is squashed horizontally from the perspective render of 512x512

here are a few better images....



the helmet does need to be a bit more flared, but i think the facemask is about right, i'll compare it to some images i have kicking around

i'll be sure to check in here and see what u guys think about what needs to be changed, etc

any help is definitely appreciated - thank you for the site Nash i'm checking it out now


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...I've got full blueprints of the helmet if you want them, including proper paint scheme (yes, there is a paint scheme for Vader's armor, black and gun metal). Accurate to the Jedi costume, I think, although personally, I prefer the Empire version. Sir Steves' is a decent site for toys, but there are MUCH better resources for Vader out there :)

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right now the helmet is still a seperate part from the face so it can be easily moved in that way

and skellington, any information would be most appreciated


like i said, anything that can help me would be great, i'm still looking for good source images to work from, instead of stills from the movie or just frontal images

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It just registered with me...you're using Max?





Go get the Vader mesh...it's not bad. The helmet needs some work, but it's a good start for reference. Also...





Costuming site devoted to reproducing the costume...look at the helmet section for a paint guide.


I just found my blueprints from the Riddell minature helmet...only a full version from the front, the side elevation plan is MINUS the "helmet" part (as oppsoed to the "mask" section of the whole piece. It'll show you a profile of what the face looks like at least. Gotta get my scanner up and running, then I'll send my stuff along to you.

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