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Jedi Outcast: Best Saber Contest

Boba Rhett

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No, I don't mean a dueling contest. :p


So are any of you messing around with editing yet? If you are, what say the GB forums have a "Coolest Saber Contest"? :)


Don't leave yet! It's REALLY easy! :) I'll even help you if ya need it.


Here are some things that I've just jotted down, please reply with your own ideas too! :)



1. The contest will end in....let's just say a week for now. ;)



2. If you want detailed instructions on how to edit the sabers and repackage the files, tell me and I'll post some.



3. If you don't want to mess with extracting the correct files, :D tell me and I'll simply upload the correct image files for you to edit "there's only two image files you need to edit!" and then you can send your edited versions back to me and I'll package them for you as a mod. :) Then you can use them ingame. "It will replace the default blue"



All you need is any paint program so don't be scared off! :)



4. What shall the prize be for the winner? I have no idea. I'll have to think of something. ;) Maybe something of my desk? I guess it'll depend on who wins. I know some of you don't want to give out your shipping address.



5. Who do you guys think the judges should be? The mods? That would probably be the easiest thing to do.

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I'm game. But did you mean saber handle or color?


Anyways, would you mind uploading those files. I could do it myself, but i don't know which ones to get. And, though i could probably guess which ones they are, i'm sure others will need it as well.

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I meant the saber blade but I suppose we can include the hilt too but that will be optional. ok? :)



I'll attach the two files that you need in this post and another one with the hilt and menu pictures in my next post.



Ii this attachment, one of the files is the blade and one is the glow. The black is were the image will be translucent.

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Uh....Rhett? Which attachment do we use?


In th first one the blue_line file looks nothing like the saber in the game, should we edit that? Its not even and its very wide and ugly and such.



Also, does the game automatically take out the balck? How does that work?


Oh, and how can we test our new sabers for ourselves?

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..... You should probably re-read my previous posts, Tie. :)



Oh well, ;)


1. As I said, you use the first Zip file. :) Those ARE the correct files even though they don't look like it.


2. Yes, the game does it for you. I'm not very sure what gradients are included though.


3. I knew someone would ask that. :)



Before any of you read the rest of this, if you want me to do it for you, I will. It can be kind of confusing at first. If you want to do it yourself....




1. Make a folder and some sub-folders.


Here's what the folders will be,






The saber folder goes in the effects folder and the effects folder goes in the gfx folder. Once you have that done, put your two edited images inside the sabers sub-folder you made.



2. Right click on the gfx folder now.


3. Choose "Add to Zip" and "I agree" if you need to.


4. You'll now be looking at a menu with some buttons on the top right and to the left of that, there will be the name of the zip file it's going to make.




C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base\gfx.zip


5. In that file path name, change the name of the zip file that's at the end of it, "gfx.zip". Change it to "whatever_you_want_here.pk3"


6. The file path name should now read


C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base\whatever_you_want_here.pk3


7. Hit enter. It will then save your folders as a PK3 file. It will save it to the folder your gfx folder was in.



8. Take the PK3 file you just made, "whatever_you_want_here.pk3" and put it in the Base folder that is located in the Gamedata folder that is in your Jedi Outcast directory.


"C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\gamedata\base"



9. Fire up Jedi Outcast and tes ut your new saber ingame. :)






If any of you need something broken down further, let me know. :) Once again, if you don't want to do that, just send my the image files and I'll do it for you. :)

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Here's how I'm thinking the voting will be handled.


1. Everyone sends me their sabers.


2. I assign each saber design a number then upload them all as mods.


3. Everyone who tries them out can vote for what number saber they liked.


4. Whomevers saber gets the most votes will win. :)



I've norrowed down what the prize could be.



How about a cd filled with misc. things from my computer and maybe a personalized name badge with whatever you want on it? :)


Not to great, but it's free aint it? :D

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Thanks Rhett.


Anyways, i did everything you said, and i made all right folders and files. I have the file in my "base" folder but nothing happens.


Is it supposed to work in SP or MP? And where would i select it? Or does it just appear on top of whatever you have?


Could please just be a little more specific about your final instruction, "Fire up Jedi Outcast and test out your new saber ingame."

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If it's in your base folder, it will automatically be used by the game whenever you play Jedi Oucast in SP and I think it will in MP too.



Clefo got it to work. :)







1. The folders names are case sensitive.


2. Are you sure it's a PK3 file now?


3. It's in youe Base folder?


4. Are the two images in the sabers folder?


5. Do they still have their original names? They must be the same.


6. Ummm..... can't think of anything else. :D


If you still can't get it, send the images my way and I'll package them for ya. :) Don't be discouraged if your having problems guys. :) I just started editing yesterday and I was almost ripping my hair out at first! :D





OH! P.S.


I finally figured out how to edit the sabers' blurr! Check it out in the attached picture. Cool saber and blurr, huh? ;)

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Come on guys! Start sending those sabers in! :) I would think that some of you would jump at the chance to win a prize! :D



Also, I need a name for my saber, I'm going to be sending it in.


Some suggstions I've recieved are as follows,


1. Hyper Saber


2. Plasma Saber


3. B!tchin' Saber


4. B!tch Slapping Saber



As you can see, none of them fit very well. :D I need a really good name! Someone please help me out! :D

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I made a fairly good looking silver/grey one for fun because thats my favorite saber color.


I'm working on the other stuff, but i just got home (9:20) after my tennis match, os i haven't worked on any. I'm not gonna post the grey one yet, gotta tweak it and then make a new. coolor looking one.


BTW, i think that if you rename the sabers to green_line.jpg etc you can switch it so that you have more than one on at the same time. You can use the codes to change it, so you can test out more than one at a time....i think.


ABTW, editting the color of the blue_line.jpg does absolutely nothing, its all in the glow color.


Oh, and can we enter more than one?

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

BTW, i think that if you rename the sabers to green_line.jpg etc you can switch it so that you have more than one on at the same time. You can use the codes to change it, so you can test out more than one at a time....i think.


ABTW, editting the color of the blue_line.jpg does absolutely nothing, its all in the glow color.


Oh, and can we enter more than one?



1. Yes, your right. You can test more than one that way by using the saber color change cheats. :)


2. Completely, utterly and totally wrong. :D;) Editing the blue_line.jpg file does more than any of the other files.


3. Sure, feel free to enter as many as you'd like. :)



BTW, I'm going to attach the blurr image files to this post so you guys can edit them like I in the picture I attached earlier. They go in the same folder as the other two. :)

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rhett, this is confusing, there's so many pics, do i have to edit them all????


I have the first 2 from zip 1 edited, and I have the handle edited as well from zip 2, am i supposed to edit them all. (image composer is making this easy...)

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

2. Completely, utterly and totally wrong. :D;) Editing the blue_line.jpg file does more than any of the other files.


Are you sure? I editted the blue_line and it did absolutely nothing every time i did it.

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