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Originally posted by Darth Simpson

Simply stunning. This is one fantastic looking game!




The Ebon Hawk?



No, I believe that's a "Sith Fighter", Which would somewhat explain the similarities to the Much later Imperial TIE Fighter that Wraith 5 commented on noticing.


The Ebon Hawk would need to possess a much larger hull to incorparate all the seeping area, training room, storage, cargo hold etc that The game developers have alluded to being on the Ebon Hawk. In other words it would probably be something more akin to the Millenium Falcon, Outrider, Wild Karrde or Lady Luck at least in size and girth.


But we shall see...

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Yeah, you're absolutely right, it does look too small.


How about this one, it's definitely bigger.




It has a few similarities to the Republic ships in Episode 1, but it's just a guess good as any. I love this part of waiting for a game, where it's practically all speculation. It leaves so much up to the imagination. =)

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I was thinking that one has well.



Havoc i didn't think of that you are most likly right about that begin a sith fighter...



Though personaly i think it should look more like the sith infalterator then the TIE fighter, this is what some thousand years before the TIE fighter was invented?

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Originally posted by Darth Simpson

Yeah, you're absolutely right, it does look too small.


How about this one, it's definitely bigger.




It has a few similarities to the Republic ships in Episode 1, but it's just a guess good as any. I love this part of waiting for a game, where it's practically all speculation. It leaves so much up to the imagination. =)


Could be, but I think if I remember right that this is a run of the mill "Frigate", but it certainly is big enough to be the Ebon Hawk. And you are right, this far before the release is great for imaginitive speculation, which really gets your heart pounding with anticipation! :D


Oh, and Wraith, I agree, the Sith Fighter should resemble the Sith Infiltrator moreso than the TIE Fighter, but if you think about it, The Sith Infiltrator and TIE Fighter more than likely had the same man behind it's design, Emperor Palpatine, who happens to be a major Sith Lord. So this would explain the similarities behind all three. Palpatine probably found extensive files on archaic Sith Craft design and incorporated it into the deigns of his new Imperial Navy.

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PS Here is a scan from an article in X-Box Mag about KOTOR, this is where I've been getting my ideas about which craft is what:




You can see the Sith Fighter and "Rebel Frigate" (Which is what the articles' authors call it, but that can't be it, because there was no rebellion then :rolleyes: ) Which are the two ships you have posted links to and asked about. I'm pretty sure they got the Sith Fighter right, but I'm skeptical about the whole "rebel Frigate", who knows? It could very well be the Ebon Hawk, only time will tell...

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Thanks for the scan, mate. A little low-res, but I guess that's the norm with scans.


I just noticed that the 'Rebel Frigate' is also shown as crash-landed on the StarWarsKnights.Com banner on top of this page. Strange, no? Could imply that it has something more to do with the storyline, rather than being a simple frigate.

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This game is looking better all the time. :)


Some great new screens and concept art in there... I think you're probably right about that being a Sith fighter. As for the larger ship, it's anyone's guess. The Sith Trooper (if that's what it is) looks great.


I like those hovering gun-droids too.


I can't wait to see that lightsaber in action, though - and I'm wondering if we're going to see lots of droid-slicing a la TPM...

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