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Is XP good for gaming?

Master Spiff

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Out of the box XP will give you slightly lower FPS than WIN 98 comapring the same game and hardware.With a little tweaking though XP will be a little faster. These differences are minor though. All of the tests I have seen have shown these same results.

What you get with XP(at least for me) is much greater stability.

If you do install XP, do a fresh install and use the default NTFS file system. If you upgrade from 98 you will inheret any of the problems 98 had.

Reformat your HDD using the 98 boot disk. As well drop the partitions and then create new ones. Then boot from the XP cd and follow the instructions. Choose the full format option(not the quick one) and all should be fine.

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Oh god there are to many ways to post here. Its lot of reading and you have to go through it step by step with your regedit open at the same time as your IE browser.

One for example is setting your IRQ priority for your system timer. Litttle stuff like that.

If you do a search on the web you will come arcroos tons of sites that will walk you through it. You will also learn quite a bit.

type"XP tweaks" into your search engine and go from there.

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If your friend is judging XP off of RC1 or RC2 he needs to forget the whole expierence. I had RC2 and it was bad. But I've been using XP pro for about 8 months and have very few complaints. And I loath Microsoft. So that means something.



I find it to be great for gaming. Great for everything. A little bloated, but very customizable.


Anyone that tells you different hasn't used it enough or is using third party hardware.

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the only problems i've had with my entire system were game related, not windows.


well, i take that back. it's crashed twice (maybe thrice) in the past three months, and when it did it just shut down. i think it was a power problem though, and not a windows problem.

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Relating to the bloated issue: MS is apparently putting out a service pack that will aloow it to be more customizable for computer vendors. It will alow them to offer 3rd party software like REAL. This apparently the one of the byproducts of the anti_trust suit. There is a full article on it on cnet.

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There are 2 variations in XP, there is "Office XP" and "Home XP" I belive there are some differences, but I'm running the home version, haven't had problems with any games yet, (heh, only play 2 games though, JK2 and Everquest ;) ) no serious problems using XP associated with JK2, try getting the automatic updates, if you don't get notified, enable it in the settings and every time you boot up, if you need an update, click on the icon and get the ones you really need, like the security and patches.


Hope this helps! ;)


And I would suggest getting it, because XP is the only system that makes ALL of your ram usable/accesible, WIN2000 MIGHT, but i'm not sure, I know for a fact XP uses it all

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If you've got at least 128MB it's worth upgrading.


On the games front, don't forget it's based on the NT kernel so many Windows 95/98 games won't run or have problems.


Anything from Halflife on should be fine but I've tried things like Red Alert and it tells even using the compatibility mode it won't run.

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Originally posted by Templar KoroMis

There are 2 variations in XP, there is "Office XP" and "Home XP"


Home XP and XP Pro, and the only real differences between the 2, besides the whole activation thing, are networking issues (ie server extensions and protocals).


That's really it.


Office XP (office 2002) is the latest offering from Microsoft with Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and so on.

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XP Pro has a few other things that Home doesnt e.g. Multi Processing Support etc.


And XP is basically NT5.1 (2000 was NT5) BUT it does have alot of things 2000 didnt in regards to gaming etc. Native Direct X 8.1 is one thing that is built in, no upgrading needed, and that is good for performance. Also its memory allocation is much better than 2000's for Direct X applications.


Granted Win98 will give you a few more FPS, XP is MUCH more stable than 98 and I will happily trade 60FPS and Blue Screens for 55FPS and stability.


I have gotten ZERO BSOD's since I have been running XP (Back since Beta 2) and my PC still runs tip-top. I used to go back every 6 months and format 98 to start from scratch because 98 would just start running like ass, XP has given me no such problems


Like it or not MS needs to be given credit where credits due, XP is not a bad OS at all.

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it's not very good for gaming.

i play Tribes 1 and it runs a hell of a lot better on 2k than XP...i've found this in a few other games. i guess it doesnt matter much if you have a completely pimped out computer..but not all of us have this luxury.

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XP bad for gaming. 175 FPS or more , no less than 50 -60 even in yavin swamp is bad. average 100 fps . I dont think so.

Anybody that thinks xp is bad for gaming

a) doesnt actually have it and is basing that on rumors or people who know nothing

b) dont know how to set there comp up.

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win9x burn in hell!!!!!!!!


go xp/win2k and never look back dude........


wont run older games? bah! yousa need VDMsound; 2 megs and FREEFREEFREE!!! we all could use more opensorce windows software....... ;) i am running ye olde dark forces on my p4 1.4GHz w/win2k and it loves it. sound vid cutscens the works.......


gimme that 32bit goodness baby!:D

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I agree, those that think XP doesn't play games well is reading it off a website, or got it off a mate who used one of the RC versions.

I have barely a problem with XP and games, with it's DirectX 8.1 native to the system, a few of my games that didn't run on 2K run on XP. Those games that don't run, are games that have exploited holes in MS code for a specific style of OS, ie 9x, and I would call that bad programming to do that to make a game run a little faster.

I have to get that VDM software so I can play some of my older games that rock. How about some nausea inducing Descent????

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