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Have you beat the game yet?


Have you beaten the SP game yet?  

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  1. 1. Have you beaten the SP game yet?

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7 times already, actually, thrice on Jedi Master (one normal, one with realistic combat on, which makes it easier, and one normal but without using Force Speed. THAT was hard..)


Trying to think of an angle to play it for the 8th time with. I'm thinking of sidekick mode (summoning Jan in Jedi outfit, or a Jedi Trainer, or Luke or something at the start of a level), but it would make it very easy, and the bots won't be able to navigate a lot of the puzzles I think.


I've already done the guns / saber only, no forcepowers, and the Full Jedi At Start (very easy that way).


I need something new to play it with.. Or rather, I need an expansion pack! :D



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Nope not yet. Keep dying (damn reborn and jump puzzles). I'm using "g_dismemberment 10" and "g_sabrerealisticcombat 2". One hit of the sabre and your dead. And I only play a few levels and go do something else.


I'm at the level where you first see the Dark Troopers. Not sure how close to the end I am.

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Im still cruising through the game. :)


Im on the level where your looking for the Doomgiver!! ! ...the game is really starting to hot up now!! I thought it was awesome before I hit the Bespin level, now its just getting better and better!!! :D:D:D




P.S. I've had this game since lunchtime day of release, but it sucks that I haven't had the time to play it solid......oh and going on the MP has drawn precious time away from the single player game! *LOL*

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No, I just exited the bar in NarShaddaa - dam those Rodians! I've played it on Jedi Master since Mar. 28th but only get about 15-30 minutes a day to play AT MOST! At this rate, the mission pack will be out before I finish! I'm still trying to finish MotS - but that's because of a partition table meltdown on my hard drive.


I've decided to never play any fps on anything less that the hardest level though I played Max Payne on the 2nd hardest level (DOA?). But anything less in an fps is usually way too easy. Of course when I encounter Dark Jedi, I know I'm going to get my a$$ kicked. Just the more reason to improve my saber-wielding skills!

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I just beat it yesterday on Jedi difficulty level. What I don't understand after that is why so many people complain about puzzles being too hard or frustrating. I have to admit that I also did get "stuck" few times and considered coming here and asking a solution, but then just continued playing and found out that I had completely forgot some specific item I had in my inventory or didn't explore enviroments enough(Yavin swamp for example). Still, I left behind few secrets that I'm going to find out next time to keep it "fresh" and after assigning best keys for every action, I'm going to get more inventive with Force powers. :D

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Well, it took me almost a week to go it through completely, but then again I don't remember how many times I died after running into too many stormies(before I got saber) and most of the shots of ST rifle didn't hit their target(I have to gongratulate Raven for placing enemies so well and it was cool to see them trying to avoid your gunfire).


If there is something I still would have wanted to see included, Raven could have made actual NPC civilians for Nar Shaddaa and Bespin(in addition to ugnauts) levels and perhaps also added few more non-imperial enemies. Otherwise, excellent job! :D

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i make it a rule that every game i play where i know the MP will be excellent, i HAVE to beat the sp first. otherwise i'll never do it =P


oh and btw, i found Desann to be either very hard (and cheap) or very easy. easy if you use speed and heavy swing (took him down in less than 5 seconds that way) and hard if you dont (he just chokes and lightnings the **** out of you then. and of course you cant retaliate :|)

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I am enjoying working my way through the game. I'm at Cairn_Reactor now - speed 3 is making me dizzy ... but apparantly I'm feeling better than the Reborn I keep whacking in one or two hits at speed 3 ;-)


I still don't get the criticism (in most reviews) of the first few levels ... perhaps it is because I played Dark Forces on my Mac just before I got JKII. Personally I really liked the early levels - they felt like DF for 2002, just like the later levels feel like JK for 2002.


I liked killing the 'bots on the last level using lightning and saber throw ... sucked up my heal afterwards, though. I've been spending some time looking like the Thinking Man lately ;-)


This is without a doubt the best game I have ever played. When I got RtCW and MoH:AA, they were both cool games, and RtCW in particular was so immersive and scary I just really loved it. But neither shook JK/MotS and DF from being my faves ...




Oh, forgot to add - I took ~10 hours to beat RtCW, ~8 for MoH:AA, <7 for SoF ... and I've been going at this thing for >15 hours! Maybe it is because I don't mind dying as much in this game, because it just means going back to a checkpoint and killing again ;-)

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