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Confederate Skin


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Originally posted by *Darth Vega*

You know a lot of people believe that the war was over slavery. They are the north. A lot of people believe it was not about slavery. They are the south.

There are two sides to every conflict.



i heard that if you live in the south, and read most high school text books, unless the book actualy sais "the south lost the war" you wouldn't even be able to tell ...

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Wow.... Most people here just have a pop-culture grasp of history....


The American Civil war was a war over economics and constitutional disagreement. The south feared the economic prosperity of the north and were worried that this prosperity would soon alow the north to basicly write the rules that the south would have to live by. (Slavery was just ONE of these rules) The South then decided that they no longer wanted to be part of the Union and, attempted to leave it and form their own nation. The US constitution was interpreted by the south (Correctly) to say that Membership in the United States was voluntary by the state and any state could leave at any time.

The Union forsaw (also correctly) that if you divide USA and CSA then Neither country could prosper (The north would have industry but no agriculture and the south would have agriculture but no industry) Also, At that time, Lincon feared that the US could be invaded and conqured if it was not united (Remember that the English had burned Washington DC only 50 years before)

So a War began. A War that was about slavery in only the smallest way at it's outset. It was not until Lincoln passed the Emancipation Proclimation late in the war, that slavery became a central issue. Even then The Emancipation Proclimation was NOT passed for any moral reason... rather to increase support for the continuing war in the largely abolitionist states in New-England while fruther destablising the South's already faltering economy.


Confederate soldires, for the most part (with the exception of it's higher officers) were poor farmers who came from small southern farms that owned no slaves. The majority of those that died fighting on the Confederate side did NOT own slaves. These Men fought for their State... As the Southern view was that your loyalty was to your state first and then the Nation (Lee disagreed with Cecession but fought for the South anyway because of his loyalty to his home state, Virginia)


Now, setting the slavery portion aside.... what do we have... Thousands of American Young men who gave their lives in battle out of loyalty to their home land... That statement (let me repeat) "Thousands of American Young men who gave their lives in battle out of loyalty to their home land" would earn respect and honour if it were aplied to any other war.


Many who still fly the Confederate flag, fly the confederate battle-flag (Bars and Stars) they fly this flag to honor the soldires and because they have a good grasp on hitory while not having a grasp on what Fu*k-Nutz like the KKK have done to that flag by adopting it as their own. As a result, the flag means VERY diffrent things to diffrent people. Because it means Racism now to some people, I think, in the intrest of erroring on the side of caution, that It probably should only be flown at historic landmarks and durring re-enactments... BUT We should also recognise that others may not see that flag to mean the same thing.. Please consider that before condeming anyone who flies that flag as a "redneck bigot"


AND READ SOME REAL HISTORY not the over-simplified junk public schools shove in your face

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Originally posted by fingerprint

Well you're right, it has no place in Star Wars.

So you're saying only starwars characters have a right to be in MP games?


That really doesn't make much sense...


The Confederate/Union bots/skins are some of the best submitted skins we currently have online. Plus, the fact that the author was trying to be original makes them even more pleasant.

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fingerprint: "Well you're right, it has no place in Star Wars. "


I cant beleive that people are b*tching about this. Its not a big deal its just a skin. If you dont like it dont use it end of story.


And dont even say that i am raciest(sp?).

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Maybe not in Star Wars, but in Jedi Knight II multiplayer it does.


And living in the south (Florida, not one of the confederate states, but in the south nevertheless), I can tell you that the vast majority of people know the Civil War was lost. Of course we have a couple rednecks in school, but I'm convinced that most, if not all, of them know it was lost. Florida's the same as any northern state I've traveled to... with the addition of a ton of Hispanics and old people. ;)

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I am not saying anything about the racism aspect. I mean it doesn't belong for obvious reasons. Since when do Civil War soldiers have laser guns and light sabers? Might as well put in some Caveman skins too, they probably would have liked light sabers. I could care less about the racist thing. You're right I won't ever see it because I won't download it, but who in their right mind would want to play a Civil War soldier carrying a light saber? To each his own I guess.

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First of all, Florida is simply a colony for New York City, and to a lesser extent the Northern & Mid-Atlantic states. [it's a joke! I'm in trouble now...<g>]


Second, D66, I disagree with your assessment of the American Civil War. I won't dwell, but just quote Bruce Catton:


"It [slavery] was not the only cause of the Civil War, but it was unquestionably the one cause without which the war would not have taken place."


Take away slavery, and you don't have war. You have nasty sectional politics, fights on the frontier perhaps, and so on, but you don't have war.


Third, I'm a diehard Union-boy, and I don't like state capitals flying the confederate flag, but I don't mind the confederate skin. It's a good addition to the game.


Last, I do agree with D66 - read a bit. There's a difference between a confederate soldier and a member of the KKK.


Learn what that is.




P.S. If you're interested in the American Civil War, I recommend (and I doubt any serious ACW reader will disagree) Bruce Catton's "The Civil War". It's very accessible, gives a good overview of what happened, a little bit about why (as you can see, a very debated issue), and would serve as a good grounding whether or not you continue reading about the ACW.

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D66, well said. And OnlyOneCanoli, Florida was a Confederate state :) . I used to live in FL but now i live in NC, and the Stars and Bars are all over the place lol.


I think the union/confederate skins look good, and besides, they bring something to the game. We can only make just Star Wars skins for so long before everything has been done.

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Actually D66 has written an excellent little synopsis. Slavery was most definitely NOT the major factor in the war as the South saw it. As a Civil War afficianado an attorney who has studied and discussed this issue in detail, I can tell you that the primary focus of the war was in fact state rights and the fear of the South that they were under represented and that the North would dictate to them how their states should run what they believed were internal issues. The North believed that no one was entitled to secede from the Union. Slavery was coopted by the North to help an increasingly despondent North continue a flagging recruitment and garner the support of the strongly abolitionist states in the far North who had yet to commit the vast numbers of troops that the mid states were committing. Being from Maryland originally, a state right on the Mason/Dixon Line, I have grown up with the unique perspective of both sides being discussed with great passion. Now that I live in Oklahoma, I definitely get the old, "the South will rise again" sentiment regularly. As an earlier post suggested, the flag, and uniforms are symbolic to every American in a different way. As Americans, we should honor ALL the soldiers who died fighting for what they believed in and honor all opinions. As a veteran myself, I choose to honor the memory of brave soldiers willing to give their lives for their comrades and their home. They were all Americans good or bad, right or wrong, black or white.


P.S. this is a game the skins are fun

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Bah! Rebel Prahd! Gah!


Eat it ya yankee doodles!


Heh, but really, some people need to let it die. A lot of the Northern fellas really don't know what they're talking about often times and a lot of the Sourthern people need to stfu and realize it's over 150 years.

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this is screwed up, y'all.


not all southerners support the KKK, and im one of them that do not. i do however enjoy my history! I thought it was great that someone made this skin (they did also make a union one).


stop the hate!



also, i am not, nor have i ever been, prejudice or pro slavery. the war was over a lot more than just slavery.


but it has been over for 150 years, and it doesn't matter. but it is an interesting part of the world's history.


general robert e. lee is one of the greatest strategists of all time, and is ranked with napolean and alexander the great! but if i talk about that around my yankee girlfriend, she thinks im just saying that cos im biased...

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