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Well today I went and used some guns.


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Well all I really have to say is that guns are way unbalanced, I totally dominated a 12 player game easily just using guns. Anybody who says guns require alot of skill or even moderate skill is a liar. Hell half the time I didn't even need to aim I just saw movement and fire fletchette/repeater yay I win.


I'm an exclusive saber fighter, but after seeing all these defenses to the gun users saying how they aren't that hard to kill I decided to try it out and see if you were right, guess what guns are so easy to kill with its sickening. So stop complaining that people don't have skill enough to kill you cause you got skill and thats all thats wrong, because thats far from whats wrong.


I was willing to see it from your side until I tried it myself, the argument that saber and guns are balanced already is laughable.


Anyways if this came off as a 'whining' post it wasn't meant to, just wanted the community to know what a saberists view on using guns for a few games was.

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Another point, you can use guns in any FPS...


But in JKII we have the Force and the Saber (saber 3rd person making it not a true FPS). These make the game unique and fun. Force and Saber should be the focus, not guns (although they should be there too).


Guns need to slow people down and/or hinder their force abilities as well. Or have less damage.

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True to the above, alot of gun users don't think so though. but like you said this is JK2 not any other FPS, the Saber and Force powers are the game, Guns are part of it too but the main focus will always and always should be on Saber.

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Oh Christ come on? It "IS" and FPS game, no matter how much you try to deny it.


if you want a saber+force only game that could handel sabers and force 1000 times better then JO.. learn some game design skills and try and get a job with LucasArts and make a Tekken style Jedi Contest game. I've seen one like that before on the PS1 forgot the name though.


Personally I would love that.

Until then, I get most ammusment out of this game with Mix'n'match Saber, Force and Guns.

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Saient, its people like you who could ruin multiplayer for us Star Wars fans here.... Good old "I dont give a **** about no one, i play to win, who cares if the guys saber is off, waving his hand, and a big 800x600 message you sure as hell cant miss says *Name* Has challenged you, it's a shooter, so i guess i must be a cheap ass and kill everyone trying to have a civilized game here, just so i can be the first one to 20 kills... weee im so good"


Well i think most of the people who took the time to register on these boards, that like star wars and just love the JK series would tell you, to go the hell back to UT, or Q3A, where you can run aroud with your big assed rocket launcher, and eave us alone!



Ahhhhhh, feel much better now :D


EDIT: oh and by the way, that PS1 game was Master of Teras Kasi. Damn that was a good game!

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It might be a FPS but this is first and foremost STAR WARS.


Star wars was never about explosions and area effect weapons. It was always about lasers, lasers and more lasers. Oh ya, and lasers too. With the odd lightsaber tossed in, which is really just a stationary laser.


Remember the AT-AT's?

Giant walking tanks of death.

Oh ya, they shot lasers.


How about star destroyers?

Wow, those things were mega powerfull!

They shot lasers.


Hey that death star blew up whole planets!!!

With a giant LASER!


I'm a bit disgusted by these quake and halflife ripoffs. Fletchet guns? I mean COME ON. Some of this junk is just polluting multiplayer. Rocket launchers, fletchet guns, repeaters. Blech.


This should be about blasters. The repeater is even fine but NO alt-mode.


Star wars was always about precision weapons. NEVER about rambo'ing it up with massive destructive firepower.

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Ok, lol, I dont want to take away from the whole discussion here but stellerwinds, when I was reading your post I kept thinking of Austin Powers 2 when Dr. Evil kept saying Giant LASER. :D Sorry but I just couldnt resist, I agree with you but I cant stop laughing about it for some reason, must be cause its late and I am in that kind of mood. Sorry to change the subject or anything. I will go back to doing something else now, hehe.

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Ug, Above all else the guns albeit you may enjoy them, are UNBALANCED! on top of that as many have said before me, If you want to only use the guns why dont you go play any of the other fps out there.


Personally I hate the guns, they are way to powerful, rocket launcher fires too fast, along with secondary fire for heavy repeater, the flak gun (aka FC1) secondary fire is rediculously too strong and truly requires prehistoric thinking capabilities to kill all the other players with it. On top of that I dont remember in any star wars game or universe of any sort there being a flak gun or a rocket launcher for that matter, almost everything (weapon wise) in the universe was based off lasers or the force.


And furthermore I truly think that it is unfair for gun users to be allowed to use the force, I think that when you switch to a gun you should not have access to any force powers, it would even things out more, that way if someone is whoring a gun you can do what I do and pull it out of their dumb*** hands without having to deal with them turning on absorb so they can prostitute them better.


With all that said I still think the guns are fine they just need to be toned down and balanced a lil more, I mean they can be quite necessary for retrieving a flag from a speeding carrier. Also the mines and the tripwires and repeater are perfectly fine right now.


*for those who dont know how to dodge the repeater its quite simple, pull out your saber and strafe left and right and get in close to pull it away, even if they are on secondary fire most shots are deflected.



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I totally agree. I'd rather see more SW specific guns, like the Blaster, handrocketlauncher, a jump jet for boba fets... you know, weapons that identify and relate to the SW universe. I'm kinda bored of the same guns in every FPS. By making the guns more specific, the focus would then return to strategy, sabers and force... not blue balls of doom.

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Originally posted by Saient

.. learn some game design skills and try and get a job with LucasArts and make a Tekken style Jedi Contest game. I've seen one like that before on the PS1 forgot the name though.


I believe it was called "The Masters of Teras Kasi". An interesting game, but certainately didnt have the control or fluidity of Tekken. I'd love to see another SW console based fighting game though :)

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Originally posted by Valdarious

Ok, lol, I dont want to take away from the whole discussion here but stellerwinds, when I was reading your post I kept thinking of Austin Powers 2 when Dr. Evil kept saying Giant LASER. :D Sorry but I just couldnt resist, I agree with you but I cant stop laughing about it for some reason, must be cause its late and I am in that kind of mood. Sorry to change the subject or anything. I will go back to doing something else now, hehe.



LOL.. i thought of that too :lol:

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Good thread. I thought the guns in JK2 felt VERY generic... like the weapons from Unreal Tournament renamed, essentially. Flechette = flak cannon, except instead of one alt-fire projectile, there's two for some reason. Same deal with the missile launcher. All the weapons should have been Star Wars related, which means no Flechette, and no bazooka-style missile launcher. Boba Fett's wrist rockets -- fine. But the flechette? Bullets in SW??

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I think that if you are talking about removing Force and weakening the guns, then you have to throw something back at those that like being the Han Solos and Boba Fetts instead fo the Jedi's. Since they won't have force jump... how bout a jetpack like Boba Fetts or the one used in Shadows for the N64? That way bounty hunter would become an actual class or something and not be excluded from being able to make some of the leaps that maps require.


I personally don't think the guns ruin the game... and if you don't want to play against them you can always stick to sabre only servers.... its an OPTION for a reason. Doesn't make sense to do away with something when you can just turn it off on the serverside. I personally rarely use them myself either so don't say I don't mind them because I can win with them because that would be an inncorrect assumption.

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i use both guns and saber, and the reason i dont (usually) play other games when wanting to play with guns is because only fps game i am not bored with is Half-Life (and only because it is so fast with long- and tau-jumping and needs ridiculously fast and accurate aiming).. still i guess the guns could be a little more precision and laser based, a bit like in Elite Force, but i dont think the guns are that spammy, and other than flechette - which isnt anywhere near as spammy as UT's flak cannon - they dont seem like UT's overpowered weapons at all to me, and they dont really seem like Quake 3's weapons either (ok except rocket launcher and primary of DEMP), and btw in Quake 3 you get 10 rockets when picking up rocket launcher, in Jedi Outcast you get 3, which makes you plan every shot carefully, so it isnt really spamming with rockets

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what the game really needs is to have similar balances and counters/blocks for weapons as they do in SP... perhaps maybe a lot of the same counters are possible in MP, but I don't think they're as common..


there really needs to be a class based system for JK2, where you perhaps have options to play as: Jedi, Sith, Fett/Bounty Hunter, Rebel Fighter, Storm Trooper, etc... each with their compliment of unique weapons, abilities, etc... would be awesome for a Fett-like character to have the ability to use the rocketpack, dual hand blasters, with a small off-arm rocket launcher, etc... if you did that, you would be able to balance all the weapons accordingly, make saber use a whole lot more effective to balance out the Jedi classes, and perhaps limit the range a little bit more of force powers..


without a class based system... it's not so much that guns take less skill, but guns are just plain more effective than sabers only.. guns need to be countered with other guns usually.. which doesn't tend to leave you with much options..

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I'd like to bring to the thread some idea I read here.. don't remember who posted it, but it goes like this:


The way a saberist should deal with a weapon user is by using the force alot, and manuvering with the saber.


Now, the problem is that a Gunner with forces has both advantages.


His idea was to make the points you disribute go to weapons too.


level one gunnery = briar/blaster/throwables

level two gunnery = Bowcaster, DEMP and primary fire of Flech/Repeater

level three gunnery = all guns


if I forgot something, tell me...


and every level here will take alot of points... like 4 - 8 - 12 or something...

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I think if there were classes the whole MP experience would be a lot more fun. Those who use guns should give up the lightsaber and force powers for the ability to use guns and get their own special gadgets.


For example. Mandalorian class, where you get the whole Boba/Jango Fett gig. Instead of Force Jump you have Jetpack. Instead of Force Pull, you have the Smart Rope. Instead of Force Push you have the Flamethrower (I dunno, the blast of heat could have a push-efect or something, maybe flamethrower would better emulate Lightning). Force Grip could be the Smart Rope wrapping around their throat. Instead of the lightsaber you can have access to all of the guns (1 being the flick-out blades on Boba's feet).




It's just an idea, and it sounds cool in theory. (But I'd love the chance to see it in practice)



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So let me understand, weapons don't require skill?


Yeah right.


The flechette is actually mentioned in some Star Wars source books, which were written before UT came out, so don't give me any of that "No projectiles or bullets in SW" crap. Weapons do require skill, the best player in a FFA game will be the one who switches between guns and sabers when the situation demands it, and uses the force powers better than anyone else.


You could equally argue that Force Pull/Push require no skill, I know I get more kills using them than guns. But a good force user not only uses Push/Pull no those he's fighting, but he takes opportunity attacks. Someone using Force Jump in the corner of your view? Aim and pull, nice easy kill. That requires skill because your reflexes and range have to be just right to do it successfully every time.


People play games online to win, if the server allows guns, people will use the. Someone who plays on a server with guns enabled, but sticks with the saber and doesn't do very well, isn't "a better player" for resisting use of guns, they are bloody stupid. However if a saberist comes out on top in a guns game, they have some serious skill, but the best players adapt their weaponry usage all the time.


Personally I use Repeater 2nd fire, but I switch weapons if I want a bit of extra range, or I use the saber if the fight is very close-quarters.


Jedi Outcast isn't just about the saber, if you want a saber, go play Obi-Wan. Kyle Katarn is a mercenary and a gun specialist, the game is about Kyle Katarn, if he uses guns you are allowed to as well.




I fully expected to be flamed/grilled/deepfried, but I generally try to keep an open mind.

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Some interesting points raised so far. :)


Well, I'm only playing FFA online, due to my very laggy 56k connection (with pings from 270 [rare] up to 999 [common] ).


I have to use all different types of weapons at my disposal in order to get anywhere. I'd love to saber duel...but the simple fact is I'm dead before I even see my opponent move on many occasions - because I suddenly get escalating lag. So I'm just using the saber as a last resort in many games.


I can sympathise with some of those who don't like the heavier weapons, like the Flechette, and the new Heavy Repeater, and the Missile Launcher. The key problem for saberists with these weapons is the splash damage...the gunner does not have to get a direct hit to kill you. That's a fair comment, and I've actually taken this on board when I play - I try to use these weapons less in a battle, and stick with the Bryar (secondary), E-11, Bowcaster, DEMP 2, Disruptor (primary - secondary is hopeless with my lag)... However, sometimes it is necessary to use some of the heavier weapons in order to keep an opponent off your back while your connection is doing somersaults. I also use them more against other gunners, because they are perfectly free to do the same to me.


Personally, I don't really like the Flechette that much. It does feel a bit like the flak cannon from UT, and I don't think it really belongs. Having said that, it's hard to miss two glowing balls coming at you, and it's easy enough to jump over them. I do that all the time. The primary fire has quite a wide spread, so some of it is obviously going to get through even if you block.


I was never a fan of the Rail Detonator in JK or MotS, and I'm not a fan of the rocket launcher in Outcast either. The only map I've used it on is the Jedi Academy, and that's when I've spawned with nothing else to hand. Again, to be fair, if you see a rocket coming, you can use Push to deflect it. The problem lies in not seeing it - but that could be said of blaster fire too.


I think the primary fire of the Heavy Repeater is totally useless anyway - it may be rapid fire, but it is more inaccurate than the E-11 - and can be largely deflected by a saberist using level 3 Saber Defence. I preferred the Imperial Repeater in JK a lot more - it is slightly slower, more accurate, and has a better secondary fire. The concussion-like blast from the Heavy Repeater's secondary fire doesn't really sit well with that weapon - and I think they should just have retained the Concussion Rifle from JK/MotS, albeit toned down.


Having said that, I will use some TD's, trip mines and detonator packs - because these are largely easier to spot and avoid by your opponents, so if they walk into them, then take the consequences.


Saying that guns have no place in the MP game is not really fair, however. A Free For All match is exactly that...and everyone has access to the same array of weapons. If you choose not to use guns, or detonators, then that really is your choice. Others do like to use them - or simply have to use them if your connection is not very good - within the Star Wars context of the game. You cannot for one moment say that blasters are not part of the Star Wars universe, and so it is perfectly acceptable to use them online, IMO. Jedi Outcast is still an FPS at the heart, so it's unfair telling people who enjoy the Star Wars guns to go and play another FPS. After all, there are a couple of modes of online play where you can just use the Saber and the Force. However, I have not encountered a single server that just has guns with no sabers, even if Force has been disabled.


I think part of the problem is that some gunners just see a closely-knit bunch of saberists and lob a few concussion blasts or Flechette grenades in there, and wham, you've racked up a few kills.


In my experience, so far, if you have a saberist and a gunner in a face-off in a quiet area of the map...it's not an easy task for the gunner to get his way, even throwing around concussion blasts, or using the Flechette. You have to be very good at anticipating where the saberist is going to go to use a splash-damage weapon effectively. A good saberist will jump and roll to avoid attacks, while gripping, pushing and throwing lightning at you to keep you at bay, or ultimately, kill you. I get better results by simply switching weapons in such a scenario...from an E-11 to a Bowcaster to a Bryar...which means you are constantly changing your tactics against the saberist to try and throw them off guard. The saberist obviously has to be prepared for any kind of attack - and you might say that's unfair, but as I said before, if you choose to stick exclusively with the saber, you cannot really complain. In an FFA match, you have access to the same guns as everyone else, and can switch to them at any time.


A lightsaber should not be able to deflect everything...even on level 3...because then blasters are rendered completely useless, and gunners will just resort to using the heavy weapons with splash damage to try to kill you.


If you have a couple of gunners against one saberist...your odds of survival just using the saber are obviously not as good. If you have three or four saberists and a couple of gunners in a room, then it's chaotic. You'll get a saberist go for a gunner...and another saberist cutting that person down from behind...who then walks into a concussion blast they didn't see coming from a gunner. In a way, your chances of survival as a saberist are increased if you let everyone else thrash it out...and then step in to tackle a gunner one-to-one without fear of being struck down from behind.


So in some respects...the saberist has to have an increased situational awareness. While fighting another saberist...you will be open to a gunner attack, and it's therefore pretty much essential to keep constant stock of your surroundings, always check your back (in case a gunner is ready to drill you with whatever gun is at their disposal), and try not to form a tightly-knit bunch that cries out for a gunner to switch to a heavier weapon to get multiple kills.


So although I agree that some of the weapons are a little too powerful, they are not really completely overbalanced, IMO. As a saberist you are going to have a difficult time trying to tackle such a wide array of weapons with saber and force alone. Calling for all guns to be toned down (as I have seen some on these forums ask) in favour of saberists is not really fair on gunners - who would then have to switch exclusively to saber and force to do battle with a saberist.


My own opinion is that the saberist should not be able to block all in-coming blaster fire...to make blasters more appealing to gunners...while the Heavy Repeater and Flechette gun are toned down to make it less easy to get a group kill with them. Having said that...it is up to the saberists to make sure they don't end up in a tight group in the first place...because I've seen a lot of this with 5 or more people dueling, and no matter what gun I'm using, that's a very easy target.


As for guns not requiring any skill to use, again I have to disagree. Only the splash damage weapons take less skill - but in an open area, you still have to anticipate the moves of your opponents to use them effectively. As for the blasters...yes, you do have to be skilled to get past a saberist's defences, because with level 3 saber defence turned on, it's nearly impossible to get through in a frontal attack - which means trying to flank you...or use the rebounding fire of the bowcaster to get a backshot - and that's no easy task.


Stripping away all force powers from gunners would also totally ruin the game balance. I do think that disabling some offensive powers (while you have a gun in your hands), could be beneficial. I mean, why should I have access to Lightning, if I already have an E-11 blasting away with secondary fire? So yes, I could live with a more limited Jump, no Pull, no Lightning, etc., while armed with a gun. However, I would still argue for Absorb and Heal...because without them, a gunner would be dead in 2 seconds flat. A blast of Lightning and a quick Grip, and game over. You cannot simply strip a gunner of all Force counter-measures, because then you will never have a gunner come in close to do battle, and they will resort to purely splash damage weapons from long range to take you out. That's not very balanced, IMO.


Class-based play could be one possibility...but as I said above, you really have to get the balance right. Having no protection from the Force, and having most of your shots deflected by a saberist with level 3 Defence, is going to make the saberists too powerful, and therefore unbalance the game in the other direction.


Besides, I've seen a lot of saberists get top scores on some servers, because they've learned some good tricks to avoid a gunner's tactics.

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Guns and sabers just don't mix.. two different playing styles.. and there's no way you can "balance" it so they can be used to everyone's content in a game. Either you alter the guns to balance it to the saber and get lots of flames from gunners, or you alter the sabers to balance it with guns and get lots of flames from saberists. Just keep em apart, it's always been like that. You'll always have "gunning *****s" and "gayberists", and that's fine. I loved those arguments between gunners and saberists. :)


One of Raven's aims for JK2 was to balance guns and sabers so a saberist'd be evenly matched vs. a gunner. They tried, they failed. But it's not their fault, guns and sabers are just TOO different. And according to Chang's email (see other topic on this forum), it seems they finally got the point and are now separating the guns from the sabers. Thank you Raven.


==EDIT== I WAS A BIT WRONG HERE. FORGOT TO MENTION SOMETHING. Read hitogeki's post and one of my later posts for more.===

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Originally posted by Zodiac

And according to Chang's email (see other topic on this forum), it seems they finally got the point and are now separating the guns from the sabers. Thank you Raven.


Well, I'd have to say I'm disappointed with that decision if it's accurate. Because although I use guns quite a bit...I do try to switch to saber use whenever possible (i.e., when the lag isn't so bad), during an FFA game.


If they are just going to separate the two completely...then I will probably never join a saber match. The lag is just too bad to use the saber and Force all of the time, from where I'm sitting, and therefore I would just be stuck with guns. In that instance, the argument about going to play another FPS does become more relevant. If it's just run-and-gun, without any of the element of trying to protect yourself from Lightning, or having most of your shots deflected back at you and having to dodge...well, it might just as well be a Quake mod.


I don't mind getting my butt handed over to me by a saberist, whether it's death by Lightsaber or Force. In fact, I applaud them for a job well done. The simple fact that I can join in and fight as a saberist or a gunner in FFA is what I enjoy. As I've said before, I won't go on a Duel server because 80% of the time the lag would screw up the game for me...and just give my opponents easy kills, which isn't any fun either, IMO. But in FFA...I at least get the chance to use the saber about 20% of the time, which makes the game a lot more fun for me.


If they split guns and sabers, then it's very likely I won't play online at all.


Thanks for nothing, Raven. :p

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I never said that there wasn't skilled gunners, I said that 99% of the gunners out there bragging about skill, don't have it. Because fact of the matter is that most of the guns don't require skill.


Force Push/Pull isn't skill either, people can argue about this forever if they want, but its true, bagging on your push hotkey to push people off a ledge to get frags isn't very skillful either =p


Anyways, I was a gunner for about an hour maybe 2 and I easily dominated EVERY game dying once maybe twice per game, one not at all, and it wasn't just to the same people I went to different servers.


I'm just saying that I tried to see it from the gunners point of view and what i saw sickened me, your right JK isn't all about the saber, but the saber/force is 80-90% of the game. Gun's take a back seat, I do wish Ravensoft would balance them out, but NOT cripple Gunners, They shouldn't have full force heal/absorb to level 3 though heh.


I will trust Ravensoft to balance it out so its playable and FUN for both sides while in games with each other, I highly doubt they will cripple gun users, I still believe they will be able to stand they're ground maybe not kill 10 people in less than a minute anymore.

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The point is in FFA you have every weapon at your disposal. There shouldn't be people running around only using Sabers, if they want sabers, they can play sabers only. Sabers do have advantage over other weapons in certain situations. But the saber is just another weapon in multiplayer, the saber isn't weak, far from it, its just you have to pick the moment to use it. I am completely against changing the balance of the weapons and force powers, since I don't really see a problem, except that saberists are too damn stubborn to use a gun once in a while.

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Now your going straight out and assuming things, If you have read the other topic in the forum whith the email from raven, you will see that they said that they were "thinking" about a few different things, one being that they make it so gun users cant use force and sabers cant use guns and that it would be an option for a server to have this on.


Second of all the sabers vs guns arent balanced as some have said earlier in this post, im not saying names but you know who you are.


If you have a truly skilled Saber player, someone who knows the ins and outs of everything about using each force power and each gun and each move well, you face them against a gunner who knows the same, the gunner will win.


Ive been playing FPS games since the good ole days of their invention. I started playing online with the classic doom and good ole duke 3d then quake and so forth. I beleive myself to be quite skilled with guns in just about every game I play, But I dont enjoy it, they are now becoming the same guns but with better graphics, every game needs its rocket launcher :fett: . and now since Unreal every game needs its flak cannon.


I truly dont have a problem with guns being in the game, its the fact that when people use them to an extreme they ruin the enjoyment of the game.

Its one thing to chase after a guy who has stolen your flag with a gun cause they have speed on and are really hard to catch. And its another when your in ffa and someone is just sitting in one spot and launching the secondary fire of the FC1 your way with absorb on. Ive played every mode and sadly I find it ridiculously easy to become #1 on a server by whoring guns.

In Ctf If one guy is running around with a gun its fine, not nearly as bad as ffa, but when the entire other team does it, it becomes rediculous.

In FFA its just sad and pathetic how people use the guns, youll have someone who just has good aim and a sense of thought in his head about where the guy their aiming at might be moving and bam we have #1 on the server. Just about every other mode is a variation on these two so you see how the guns effect them (other than duel).


As Ive said before Im not asking them to remove the guns just balance them, and maybe change around the way some of them deal out damage.


Oh yeah and btw, You find a good pinging saber only server and tell us. Cause where I am NY, USA on a cable modem that gets amazing speeds for what it is, I have only found 1 saber only server (other than duel) which btw has now gone down since I played on it. Furthermore as ive said I dont hate the guns, in some cases they can be semi necessary but they need to be balanced.

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I believe a good way to balance out gun saber combat was mentioned in an e-mail from Ravensoft that was posted in these forums. They said that they were thinking about making a pure gunner or Jedi master "classes." This, however, I find a bit simplistic, and it would also turn off those who like to use guns and sabers. Therefore, I think there should be 3 different classes. The two above mentioned and a "Jedi in Training."



Jedi in Training<or whatever you would like to call him>:


This class is much like Kyle. They find out they have the use of force powers and develope it without outside help. They have force power and the use of sabers but have not given up their dependancy on guns completely. They are not, however, as effitient in the use of force as a Jedi master, and also cannot use all the weapons that a gunner can


Can only use neutral powers.

Has only 1/2 the force points of a Jedi master to allocate.<maybe

less, would have to be play tested>

Doesn't have use of all weapons.<would also hav eto be play tested to decide with weapons get the axe for this class>



I think this would create a good environment which everyone could have the type of character they want. They could run and gun, saber with force, or have a character that is a jack of all trades, but master of nothing.


Questions? Comments? How could this idea be changed/improved?



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