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Dark Side Or Light Side

Lost Welshman

Light Side Or Dark Side  

111 members have voted

  1. 1. Light Side Or Dark Side

    • Light Side
    • Dark Side
    • "Cant de"Side
    • i jus pull the trigger and hope

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Advantages Of


a) The Light Side of the force:


Can Heal yourself without confronting Enemys

Can trick your enemys into thinking youre not there

Can Absorb the Force of enemy Force attacks

Can Protect themselves from Damage

Can Fart and blame it on Other People


b) The Dark Side Of the Force


Can choke their enemy while holding them in the air, alowing them to smash their enemy into walls or drop them off ledges

Can Send a surge of electrical energy through their enemy

Can go into a rage making them almost unstopable.

Can Drain their enemy of their Force adding to their health

Can Walk round and Kill people in style


c) The "cool what are these" side of the Force


Can Run 100% faster then normal

Can Push People miles backwards

Can Pull people towards them

Can See things others cannot

Can Jump extremly high

Can fall off ledges without looking like an idiot





So what side Do you prefer, reply PLEASE

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I always go for the darkside. I usually play capture the flag, so I jab the dark rage button and race towards the opponent's flag. This has a number of potential outcomes.

1. I actually manage to get the flag and stumble back to base with it.

2. Dark rage runs out just as I get into the other team's territory and they all pounce on me like teenagers on junk food.

3. I forget just how fast I'm running and run straight off a ledge.

4. I get the flag and realise I'm actually playing capture the ysalimari, dark rage stops working and I'm sniped, tripped, kicked, detonated, sabered and anything else you care to mention in three seconds flat.


Brilliant. :D

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exacly my point, stop with the mind trinks and start throwin people around.


I seriously hope it is possible to create whole new force powers. I would luv force throw in JO just imagine it, droids flying into peoples heads, ammo boxes getting chucked away from people trying to pic them up. HoW FUN

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Light all the way.


1) Absorb beats out lightening every time.

2) Heal is excellent.


It will come down to saber fights because absorb renders almost all dark force powers useless. Even if you drain me then lightening me I can just get out of the way quickly. I rarely loose to a Sith. Also with the Jedi I rely more on my saber because I don't worry myself with using "cool" powers, because of this I do better with my saber because I get more practice with it.


Jedi Knights Forever.

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Evil is Good! Bleh stupid absorb using lightpeoples, well drain is the only dark power i use (ok ok ok im guilty of using grip when i can get a force enlightenment, but its almost always just to hurl the flag carrier into the void ok!) and very occasionally dark rage but i prefer speed3. jump3 and all saber skills3 rounds out my selection


I have patience, i can wait for absorb to run out hehehe


but really, i dont use drain to set up cheap kills, its far more of a defensive utility for me, it stops people following me across long jumps (especially useful when im carrying the flag on levels like ns_streets and bespin) , it stops me getting a saber thrown at my back, it heals me up and it stops me from getting gripped/pushed/lightninged/whatever


but the real question is - when are they gonna patch it so that i get the kill if someone falls into the void because they tried to jump after me when ive drained them? :)


its even better when they jump toward you and you drain them in midair hehehe, beats push anyday even if you dont get a kill

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Light. All you need is Force seeing, heal and speed. Maybe 2 max to PUSH. That's all.


With the darkside, you have too many useful force powers to balance your character; with light, you'd be more of an effective killing machine.

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