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Boba Fett Model


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Well... it seems that Jango/Boba Fett is one of the top 5 requests here. I decided to have a go at modeling A Mandalorian Armor.


Still in pretty early stages, but you can already catch a glimpse of the helmet.




Hope you guyz like it.


More to come eventually.


Be cool.

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Good Start Blood, but you can put alot more detail into it. You just have to use the right shapes. If you use a Geosphere to do the top of the helmet you will save alot of polys and get the same effect. The Visor and other details are definately possible for a 3000 poly mesh.


The armor on the torso also is protruding rather far, you should really keep it close to the torso, and I don't know if you are planning fingers, but you have enough polys, and due to the animations, you should really have them all modeled.


Good Work! Keep it up.:boushh:

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Thx for the advice Kat.... It's still on pretty much early stages anyway... i still got a lot of room for remodeling and detail adding.


Worry not... if it's being done... then it's about doing it right.


Im constantly using Jango Fett's pictures for reference.


I'll have to do two models. Í've seen a few diferences between both the Fett's such as the Rocket Pack.


More advices are always welcome. Please keep'em coming...specially all you Fett lovers out there :)

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Hey Nash.. you are right... checked out a couple of Boba pictures and Boba wears a lot less armor.


Thx for the warning.


I'll do Boba first and add up the armor later for jango. But the models arent gonna differ that much from each other... Most of the diference will be a good skin job.

They are similar enough for that eather way.

But Ill model for Boba first.

The chest armor is a bit diferent too. The skin will do all the diferencing work I think.

It wont matter since no one will be noticing it in game anyway.


But if people make it that important I'll make two models.

It's up to the players now.


Check out the new chest armor:


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OH MAN this is better then when i lost my um never mind. Dude great work on the model but PLEAAAAAASE i want it to be a jango fett skin because jango is so much cleaner instead of just scraps of armor. Pluss hes like all silver lol. Good work i think you could become one of the greats.

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Lower the upper Brim and the Visor Eye Area on the helmet.


Other than that, the only problem I can see is that you are going to be optimising him forever. Looks like you have about 80 polys just for the visor, when you could do it in about 30, and the Armor has got to be in the hundreds when you only need about 20 or less per peice. I don't know how you plan for optimisation, but manually is usually the best, and that's alot of polys to be tinkering with.


Keep it up!:boushh:

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Yes I know I have to watch out for the poly count... Im already cutting down stuff. And yes.. manually. I already arranged the visor part. I had to do a lil meshsmoothing so i could get it right in some parts, now... it's cutting down excess and finish the accessories which should be easier to handle.

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Huge smiling face


thx dude


BTW... I need an answer really fast... which rocket pack shall i make? Boba's typical rocketpack with a pointy rocket in the middle or one of the packs I saw in Jango's pics... the one with shorter warhead like rockets?


I saw Jango pictures using both packs... and I'm kinda lost here. Need help fast... again, the players decide what they prefer.

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If Im not mistaken... the rocketeer pack isnt that much diferent from Jango's lol.


Well... I'd say Boba's pack will do for both but Jango's pack wont... So Im seeing Boba's pack as the most versatile of the two... so Boba's pack it is.


Thx for the compliment... I'll try to live up to it. :)

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here's a thought. this is in q3 terms, not jk2 modelling terms, so bear with me.


do both packs. have one be one mesh and another be another mesh. they take the same place in space. the jk equivalent of a .skin file would then define which mesh gets textured and which one is invisible.


might as well not limit yourself.


just my opinion.



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Since I dont know how that will work I'll might as well just place the rocketpacks on diferent files and I'll see what i can do when the SDK comes out... brilliant thought by the way :)


Anyway.. that's all Im working on this dude for today... more to come tomorrow so i can finish cleaning up the excess polys.


It's under 3000 but i'd like to put it down near 2500 as sugested.


Here's a preview of what to come.




Goodnight guyz. :)

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this looks really good right now.

as for the backpack. i think Boba's is the best decision as both Boba and Jango wear that type. but when you do a Jango model with the additional armor parts then you might wanna do Jango's backpack too. anyway, GREAT JOB man!!!!!!!!!!!:fett:

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