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Boba Fett Model


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Well... the server issue is not so much up to us modders but to the ones in charge of the servers.


We'll have to see what happens upon release.


You can always talk to some friends and schedule a match among yourselves. That way you all can have the model installed.


What I'll try to do is talk to SithLord about releasing our models together in a pack. Maybe that will turn the odds a bit.

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Blood Riot: Things are looking pretty good! Glad to see things are on track. I finally got my UV's finished with some help from Player over at Polycont, so I'm pretty happy again.


Where you at on getting him set up for the game? I know you've answered this a thousand times, but I was just wondering if you made any progress.


One more Question: Do you know if Raven has released anymore info on making these baby's work? Excuse me if I missed something, but this thread has gotten so damn long now, it's hard to go through the whole thiing.


Good Luck!

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Glad to ear you are on track again Kat.


Well I'm trying to anchor the skeleton. After that i have to test drive him skinless just to see if he get's in the game right. See if the bones are correctly attached. That's what I'm doing right now.


Raven didnt sent out anything. I had a chat with Chang (THX btw). He gave me a few pointers. Me and Sith had to sweat a lot but we nailed this baby down.


This last part of modeling is the worst imaginable. Tedious like hell.


Well I got it almost done. But I have to wait till Sith can compile it for me(somehow it's not working on my computer.).


I'll try to finish this up tonite.

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I just wanted to say Absath, you and who ever else has been working on the Model and Skinning have thus far done an amazing job. I was wondering what programs you are using to Model, skin etc. Anyways, pass the word along to anyone working with you that I think you have done some excellent work, and I hope to see even Greater things from you and your team in the Future.


--MOTL thesaiyan


"Masters of the Lightsabre"


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Can we maybe get a moderator in here to clean this post up a bit? There's far to much crap filtering in here. (To many people double posting to increase their post count, advertising their work, etc, etc.)

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BloodRiot, do us other modellers a favour and post all your info in the modelling forum about how to convert the models to glm using carcass. And the tips you got from Chang.

I've been trying to get a copy of kyle to be converted into the glm format (from xsi) but I cant get it to work.


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Well Blood was up all night last night anchoring the model to the skeleton piece by piece. When i left him, he only had the arms and hands to do. I havent checked in with him yet today, so im not sure how it turned out. Im as anxious for this as you guys are ;)


Me and Blood are part of an awesome mod team that L2.0 put together, but we are also a smaller two-man team for personal projects like this. He the modeler and I the skinner. We didnt know eachother before JK2, but its my hope that we'll work together alot in the future. Together he and I hope to release lots of amazing stuff onto the community.





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4 questions for you


1. Did you extrude the arm's and legs of your model or did you use other shapes and then weld them together.


2.Do you think it is a good idea to delete polys from a shape if those polys won't be seen? (ie- the polygons between my torso and the cape)


3.How many polys is your model.


4.How do I make my model more detialed but with less polygons



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