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Boba Fett Model


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In my opinion the red + gold skins have a little too much of red and gold. They should be a little more dark. Other then that those are AMAZING!


as for the pictures...


there is a guy in the "Yoda's Swamp" that has a script that allows people to upload images and you can link to them (i think)


now i just need to find it

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what skin did i copy off of? i never copy. all of my skins are from scratch


and as far as the yellow warrior....me and blood are thinking we'd prefer a blue warrior instead, so thats what may be happening...




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Damn, that's lookin' nice. You gotta stop tantalizing me though, I've already gone through 5 pairs of underwear in the last 2 hours looking at these pictures. ;)


And Absath, a good free webhost that I use a lot is http://www.boomspeed.com


I use it for a lotta of pic uploading and it works fine when you link to the pics. Try that out if ya want.

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That black armor one looks freeking sweet.:) (dont know if I will be using the default, or the black/red:D ) I have noticed like Darth_Linux that the 2 pinstripes arent on the helmet above the visor


Any thoughts of a jodo skin for on boba? he is basicly the same just more brighter green, and more of a bright orange for the shoulder, and knees, and such.:) (since there isnt any way I am going to attempt a recolor after its availible:D )

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Good stuff, Absath and BloodRiot!


Sorry to hear about the parallel cuts in Jango's helemt not being able to display. I don't think anyone will miss them though. (My DK book says that there is something about those lines that allows Jango to see behind him.)


The leather shirt under the chest plates and the gloves could be a little more bluish still, if you ask me. Sorry! Actually, looking at your pic, I think that moving the green and the blue closer to each other in hue and saturation will make Jango look perfect. Just a suggestion though.


Beautiful work on the shaders!



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Absath, I think you should keep the yellow warrior, since like WolvishOne said, you already put the work in. Maybe just lighten the yellow a bit (mor ake it more "gold-ish"), put in some white highlights or something. Make it look more like it did in the first picture of it:




Like we've said, you put in the work, might as well keep'em.


EDIT: maybe don't do the shader on the gold one, make his armor dull...

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Try this. Instead of black armor/red suit, try one with Black armor/dark purple suit.


Give it a try.


I think it would look a lot better if you chose a good purple.

I think there's too much red/black flying around.


Nice work!

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I'm glad I could help you make the shine work. Seems I'm smarter than those at Raven eh, lol. Trust me those pictures don't show how good this shader will be, I've made a skin with pretty cool shaders ( http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?threadid=51050 ) and the pics don't do it justice. Within the game you can see the light moving and dancing over the metal parts it's excellent, and on your model with this character it will be the best JK2 download yet.


By the way I would like to be acknowledged in the readme, as I was the one to magicaly solve the shader problem and made this skin/model a lot better.


Hey you could name on of those skins after me :lol:

Or I did come up with an entry: Manticore


PS. Absath does it have that effect that I mentioned during force speed?

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Looking terrific, excellent work ;)


Maybe you could make both variations of Boba Fett, since you already got different colors and variations of the models. It probably wouldn't be very hard to alter the current Boba Fett model. Anyway, excellent model/skin, superb.

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i love waking up to lots of posts

looking good

but i agree with darth linux about the greyish gunmetal leather stuff, comparing the dk book to the scans of the dk book u can see the differences, it justs needs darkening a touch :cool:

are u planning on releasing these with the map?

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Dark Deciple, you will absolutly be mentioned in the readme. I told you that in the email. But you didnt magically solve any huge mystery. Your method presents a standard use of shaders, which i already knew how to do. What i was originally attempting was an environmental specmap, that actually reflected light and images in-realtime. Take a look at the shaders used on the Protocol droids. that was what i was trying to achieve, and it turned out in the end that environmental effects like that are an all or nothing deal on the textures. I will give you mention because you started me down the path to a metalic shader that looks almost as good as specmapping, but i wont promise anything about the names.



I want to thank you all for the name submissions. Ill be honest, some have been great, and some have been, well, not so great. Personally im leaning far away from using a the last name 'Fett' for any of the other warriors, frankly because i feel to do so would further stereotype the mandalorians. I think its naive to believe that just because the only two wearers of mandalorians we know of are father and son, and bear the same surname, that the entire armor consisted of the same family tree =P


Blood and I are working to decide on the color schemes. The decision will be made by today, because i plan to have all the skins, and CTF versions done by this evening (barring perhaps boba, who still needs his accessories) hopefully by tonite we'll have some pics of the final versions for you all.




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Wow! Im relly looking foward to the Jango/Boba Fett and Darth Vader Models! so when u say you will have them done by tonight will that meen that we will be able to download these Skins THIS weekend? omg that would be sweet! i cant wait!

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no worries Dark Deciple, you helped me out and I am very grateful. you will not go unoticed in the readme.


Hehe Dakt, you really want that level eh? I havent been mentioning it because im not sure what is going to happen with it yet. Once the skins are finished, ill be able to focus all of my energies on the level and Slave 1. If anyone wants so send me some interior shots of the Slave 1, ill see if i can rearrange what i already have there.


Im hoping to have the skins done tonite, but i doubt the package will be out this weekend. Blood still has some model tweaking to do, and I still have some character stuff to do (taunts, bot support, icons, etc) and we'll also be beta testing it for a day or so. Hopefully on or before the 16th the package will be released.




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Hey, whoever is doing this model/skin. what are you planning on making after this skin(which is very nice btw:D). Because I am thinking of putting together a project where I would need a good modeler/skinner. If you're interested I'll see if I can get you some more info on it. Otherwise, point me in the direction of another good modeler and/or skinner. Thanks! :D




BTW, very good model.

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