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Boba Fett Model


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Yea me too ill wait though maybe they will post it later maybe not if they dont who cares you will get it in a few hours or so lol and i agree stop hounding Absath and Bloodriot i dont feel like not getting these modles because you stupid people wanna beg and whine for it shut up already lol you will get it wether it be toady or tommorow or the next day who cares as long as we get it im happy :rofl:

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jUST A Suggestion: After you have released them, you should try to get all of cheshirekat's sithlordii's and your model/skins and release them in a big skin pack.:D That would make everyone happy(i think and hope).Can't wait for the those great model/skins to come out:) :):D

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If you can't even wait till later today go and download all the other models:


Aura Sing

Darth Vader

Lady Brenda


Then delete all your skins cos' only new models are worth having!!



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Goodness, what is up with Lucasforums and Jediknightii all of a sudden? This is the first time I've gotten into the forums all weekend and I don't expect it to remain stable for very long.


Great job, Absath and Bloodriot. You guys are really doing some fine work, and I'm looking forward to the release of your models. I quickly looked back over what I had missed this weekend, and I'm sorry that this forum has started to go a little awry with flames and what not. But I'm glad you're keeping at it. :)


Sort of off topic, sorry, but does anyone know of a way to convert the glm models to something usable in 3D Max or Maya? I really want to smooth out the head on the Chiss model so I can continue my Mace Windu skin, which is coming along nicely otherwise. Also, Absath and Bloodriot, if you have visions of Episode II models in the near future, I'd love to help you guys skin. Email me if you're interested. jnday@prodigy.net


Keep up the good work! Jango and Boba look great.

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Ok... dont get yer sabers caught in a knot. :)


I didnt work on the models last night cuz i was really tired and instead i dreamed about fetts...ARGH... this is haunting me even in my sleep.


Im actually quite fed up with Fett's LOL... but when you see them in-game as I did before resting......... .god..even I was caught in awe... Absath did wonders.... I knew then my work payd off and that I chose to invite the right man for the skin job.


I only need to do minor stuff to the model and then the Lod's which according to sithlord took him only a few hours.


I'm gonna do my best to get them done by tonite.

I still ahve to go to work.. but after dinner I'm gonna dive head-on into this to et this done once and for all.


So get your number ticket and get in line guyz... cuz your Fetts are almost there. :)

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Originally posted by BloodRiot

I'm gonna do my best to get them done by tonite.


You don't know how much that means, especially when "tonight" is EU time.;)



Just a q. Will the model work in sp, or will it be screwed like many models that use surfs?

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Well Im GMT timezone. I usually stay up till 5 am GMT.


By that time the file SHOULD be submitted.


As for SP... well I tried replacing Kyle with Jango and it seemed the same as MP... dunno.






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Im dying from MustahavaFettsskins! I can't wait til this thing comes out. I respect that Bloodroit and Absath are taking it slow, and trying to get the skins out as soon as possible. I'm just a bum, i need to start making skins myself. I guess ill download Milkshape today...

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Btw guys, how much the model has been in the works? I don't remember... the only thing I remember is that you are releasing the best model i've ever seen in a really low amount of time!! Keep up the good work, guys!

I especially like Jango's shining armour.. *slurp*! :D

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/me wuvs jango fett model :D can't wait to see that magical d/l link :)


brilliant work blood and abs :D u guys r gods (of modelling and skinning of course :p)


hmmm, i wonder if we can get the post count on this topic up to/over 1000 replies b4 the package is released....only about 57 more posts to go (i think)....lol

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Originally posted by BloodRiot



Well Im GMT timezone. I usually stay up till 5 am GMT.


By that time the file SHOULD be submitted.


As for SP... well I tried replacing Kyle with Jango and it seemed the same as MP... dunno.







coooool. At last, we may finally have Boba...


will it come with Jango too? Oh please say yes!!!

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