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Trade Fed Repeater Troops? Where & How?


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I have been playing battlegrounds since the release date. I was cruisin on galactic battles.com website and went to the trade fed civ (because that is who i am normally when playing the game) and saw repeater troops. I have yet to find that upgrade. Where is it? I have always made it to tech 4 and all troop center upgrades complete yet i have yet to get the repeaters. Someone please let me know how to get this upgrade.


Thanks In Advance

Lord Luke


here is the link for the repeater troop pics.



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Yes the TF have great Naval units, but you cannot win a war without a great army as well. Not giving them repeaters out of the box is bad for them. I uese repeaters all the time. 5-10 repeaters can take mech destroyers ina few shots. I use them for base defense, in conjunction with towers full of troops!




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